There are differences in the blends of fuel from different brands
me personally in my 100hp Rotax don’t waste my time on 98 octane as it goes off way to quick compared to 95
I only use BP 95 and try to stick to the one brand, I have used 98 when in different locations when 95 is not available.
A few brands I never use is Mobil (very sooty fuel I found when used on my BMW bike many years back, fill up on that and go for a ride the back of the exhaust was black)
United fuels, for obvious reasons like unknown quality.
Shell Vpower is good at eating away at a certain sealant used in a Foxbat fuel tank.
My main one is 95 BP and I will use Caltex of BP is not available, haven’t used Avgas as yet but will if I can’t get 95 easily and obviously used the other brands mentioned if I have no other choice
This is only my opinion on experiences I have found over the years