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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Not having any issues with running Avgas or buying it other than it’s up to 80c a litre dearer than Mogas Best advice I can give you is get some skyfuels cards (they cost nothing to get and can be delivered within a week) 3 cards our travelling companions got from Skyfuels before we started this trip as BP bowsers only take BP card (Swan Hill, Broken Hill,) Leigh Creek takes credit cards as does Coober Pedy, let you know what Ayres Rock takes once we get there.
  2. Biggest problem with some of the numptys is they look at their compass and call the 10 mile from the direction they are heading not even thinking the are coming from the opposite direction to which they are heading. Puts my neck on a swivel more that it normally is when I intitially think they’re in close proximity to me and calling the same level After frantic searching I usually ask .... are you actually coming from this direction inbound? Usually get yeah oh sorry.
  3. As much as I love flying, I spent 17 years flying offshore in 10 million dollar Sikorsky S76’s and never liked it one bit, too many moving parts, different vibrations on different helicopters. Robinson’s? I would never set my arxe in one as to me the rotor does not seem to have enough inertia in them let alone how flimsy they look. Each to their own I guess.
  4. Marty The scenario is stuck full on throttle not failure
  5. Climb and gain sufficient height, ensure field within gliding range, shut down , turn off fuel and aim for 1st 3rd of runway and land normal like an engine failure scenario. Not rocket science
  6. Yep I see your issue Facing back will not hurt it, I’m betting you will notice a difference as I have. I had plenty of room between the cowls
  7. Hi Bluesdventures I’m guessing it’s concave for the set ups that bolt the prop straight to the flange, I have spun mine 180 deg to face forward over the boss extension from the gearbox flange which Is about 4 1/2 inches long, tried to see if I could fit it between the front of the boss and back of the prop but wouldn’t work due to the boss having a small flange at the prop end Noticed a difference again once reversed Cheers Alf
  8. I’m happy for all you blokes now having access through YESL airspace while we at West Sale in the same circle of airspace are still grounded weekdays unable to get out. Filled a survey in about 3 months ago on how we plan to fly if granted access and to date up until yesterday have heard zip from RAA about the survey. Yep email sent to RAA day before yesterday thanking them for the effort opening D353 for everyone. Now what about us? Got a reply with no real information on proceedings. So sent an email to a great ATC RAAF bloke who came to our club meeting a few times asking if talks were still going on. Got a nice reply saying they haven’t forgotten us and are trying to work out how we can gain access through the new Princes Route (ex VFR Route 2) RAAF is ramping up training at the CFS at ESL in the near future as Tamworth is moving down here. West Sale Airport has funding for a 400m extension of runway 09-27 and I’m betting it’s not for GA & RAA aircraft I can’t see the issue with Princes Route being made in to a D.... lane either as GA have always had access to it in the past and still do now. I hear it is because YWSL lies within a 3 nm boundary from YESL’s runway 27 extended centreline and 09’s ILS that makes it an issue. Funny thing about that is on the ILS to 09 they are at 3000ft on the glidescope and we lie 1.87 nm to the south of it. Anyway the old saying goes “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and this squeaky wheel is starting to get noisy. Next time my membership is due and aircraft registration I’m going to ask the RAA for a pro rata fee like 2/7ths of the current fees as we only get to fly on the weekends now while all you lucky people out there have 7 day a week access. I think it’s a fair call Cheers you lucky buggers Alf
  9. If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it. I agree with what Trent said
  10. The more the headwind the earlier the turn for base, that’s my motto
  11. Late July we are heading to Uluru in my plane a Tecnam Sierra P2002 Plan on leaving West Sale at first light on Sunday 22nd tracking via Mansfield for Swan Hill for a rest & fuel stop, then on to Broken Hill for the night. Next day heading to Coober Pedy via William Creek if a fuel stop is required for a 2night stay in the underground motel and a few local tours Day 4 it is off to Uluru for 2 nights of who knows what Then start making our way back towards home via William Creek and BH again. travelling with an experienced couple who will be in their 172. So looking forward to it, will report back with photos and stuff of trip once completed
  12. Skippydiesel I can assure you my fuel does not degrade very much at all my plane does not sit idle for too long I average over 100 hours a year for the last 14 years 145 last year alone All I was saying is 98 degrades at a much faster rate than 95 does And no I don’t use 6 month old fuel at all I am basing that on aircraft that have seen that had not flown in 6 months where the fuel system was drained and replenished with fresh fuel 6 month old 91 still smells like petrol 6 month old 98 sure doesn’t, 95 I haven’t come across any 6 month old yet but when I do I’ll let you know
  13. That is so true thats the problem with automotive grade fuels and oils is that the blends can change week to week as it is not regulated like aviation fuels and oils which have to done to a certain standard and cannot be changed
  14. Downunder Glad mine still stocks it Maybe us flyers up here use plenty of it from the same servo
  15. Skippy, 98 gets its octane rating from various aromatics blended in Going off I mean by in the plane the octane rating will decrease over time if not used. After a couple of weeks it could be down to say 96, after 6 weeks its rating could be 91, you should see 98 after 6 months or more it looks like honey and smells nothing like fuel Sealed drums may be different as it is not mixing with oxygen. All good if your using it on a regular basis 95 has far less additives in it so does not degrade anywhere near as quick 91 even better but no good to us with 100hp unless desperate and better shandied with a higher mix
  16. Skippy There are differences in the blends of fuel from different brands me personally in my 100hp Rotax don’t waste my time on 98 octane as it goes off way to quick compared to 95 I only use BP 95 and try to stick to the one brand, I have used 98 when in different locations when 95 is not available. A few brands I never use is Mobil (very sooty fuel I found when used on my BMW bike many years back, fill up on that and go for a ride the back of the exhaust was black) United fuels, for obvious reasons like unknown quality. Shell Vpower is good at eating away at a certain sealant used in a Foxbat fuel tank. My main one is 95 BP and I will use Caltex of BP is not available, haven’t used Avgas as yet but will if I can’t get 95 easily and obviously used the other brands mentioned if I have no other choice This is only my opinion on experiences I have found over the years Cheers Alf
  17. My take on it is it’s value is governed by what someone is will to pay for it
  18. Had no issues with it just answered the one how happy are you with the organisation I replied Happy but be happier if you get me a lane out of West Sale Actually mentioned that in a few of the questions
  19. Dan emailed me last night Mark All is good Thanksfor your help
  20. Thanks Mark is your mate bringing them in currently as I’m after a couple for 912’s myself I have emailed them in the states also is your mate bringing them in for buyers here and if so what cost in country
  21. Is Balance Masters Australia still selling these, saw something on the Australian Securities ASIC site about Balance Masters Australia deregistering the business name in 2017?
  22. Can’t recall for sure who owns it maybe Durkin brothers who are spud farmers but people from there fly in to LTV so call the aero club there as they would possibly know. The strip I think from memory is on the SE edge of the footy ground
  23. Yesdsam I am keen for us to be able to get out of West Sale using VFR route two if it ever eventuates
  24. Can land anywhere even Canberra if your under the controlled step and the fan mysteriously stops, a mayday should get you in if you can glide the distance Just hope you have an ASIC, just flash that at them when 400 federal police and acme security come out with sirens blazing
  25. Damn if I could fit in one I would have brought one, 6 1/2” and always broad shouldered I would need tyre levers to get in and out of one. Always have loved the look of them.
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