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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Hope they recover from their injuries Alway sad to read or hear about accidents in the hobby we all share a passion for.
  2. Yenn could help you out on that, also Keenaviator had one
  3. Good to see the pilot got out ok Just another testament to the survivability of the Jab airframe protecting its occupants Just a shame so many of them have been tested in this field
  4. In reference to number 2 Scott, he still dies
  5. PMMcI think your battery will be fine with a recharge, Oddesys are a good battery. Buy yourself a ITech 900cca jumper pack Not much bigger than a IPhone 8 and can start a 5lt Diesel over 30 times before a recharge is required. Comes with USB ports for iPad & phone charging, 12v & 240v chargers in a nice carry case. Will run a Engle fridge for up to 10 hrs on one charge All up weighs about 800 grams $249 off the net delivered WA company I got one works well and takes up no room in the plane
  6. You could hear the engine power reduce in the first quarter of the turn for reasons unbeknown
  7. TRFC, is that “The Rudder For Control” club is it?
  8. Yeah I still can’t come to that conclusion.I can when they are suffering some serious damage
  9. Amazes me how the media (channel 9) report it as a plane crash, the aircraft is completely intact other than probably a bent wing tip and a bent or possibly busted undercart Looks to me like loss of direction control on landing or on a T&G gone wrong as the aircraft looks to have full flap out Anyway I dont class it as a crash imo
  10. I’d say you are correct on your assumptionEither way the pilot contributed wholly to his and the passengers demise Just another “ hey watch this moment”
  11. Yep that will kill you, looked pretty good to the pilot showing off, right up until he killed his passenger along with himself
  12. Not Tim’s Genesis?How did that happen
  13. Condolences to the lost aviators family & friends. Aviation as enjoyable as it is can be very unforgiving when things go wrong.
  14. Off Topic M61A1, Unfortunately I wasn’t there as I have used a tactic before when the police claimed they were to busy one night. I had a next door neighbors kid doing snakies up and back our dirt toad court one night around 11:30 pm a few years back, I phoned the local cop shop and asked them to come out and speak with the twat, they said we are a bit busy at the moment, “I said that’s fine next time he comes down the road I’m going to throw the brick I have in my hand through his window” The Sheila copper said “ you can’t do that as that is illegal” “I said and what he is doing keeping us all awake and ruining our road is too so it will even the score” I then said seeya I’m going out to wait for him, have a good night. They were there in less than 3 minutes as I heard and saw them come down the court while I looked out the bedroom window Never even had a brick, winner
  15. Skippydiesel,Yep mine are the same, warm up, taxi, climb, cruise, descent, taxi & shutdown, The Hoffman pulls about 5150 rpm in climb at full power but will quite happily run out to 5600 s&l at full song but your indicating about 125kts at sl burning around 24 lph I don’t ever do it or flog it like that
  16. I average 13.3lph on a Tecnam Sierra swinging a Hoffman 2 blade prop at 4800 rpm giving me an indicated 98-100kts, at 5000 rpm it’s out to 15.4lph and at 5200 is around 17.5lph for about 108 indicated, this is for standard atmospheric conditions My fuel calculations are based on known quantities of fuel put back in after each flight It also varies also on temp & humidity Only fuel I use is BP 95 at this stage but will use Avgas in remote
  17. We had 3 hangars hit at YWSL a couple of weeks ago but the scumbags got greedy and ended up with nothing in the end. Broke in to first hangar at around 11:30 pm and loaded up the ute that was owned by the hangar owner with precision tools and tool boxes, then slid the hangar doors open and made ready for a quick departure, smashed the side door that was deadbolts in the hangar beside the first and once again borrowed the owners trolley to load up tools and power tools and put the trolley out front of the hangar, skipped the next one because it had cameras and moved on to ours which was their downfall as the hangar owner lives there with his wife. Dipsticks were trying to break the pad bolt because the lock was too strong in the meantime the hangar owner had rung the police and was actually on the other side of the door banging on it and telling them to (for Gough) to let them know someone was there, that didn’t stop them continuing on until they finally succeeded on gaining entry as they must of been on something at the time. When they slid the door partially open they seen the owner and just stood there for a second before casually walking off in no hurry A few minutes later a car driven by a 3 person raced down and picked the numbnuts duo up and sped off Luckily left the booty previously loaded and bolted 000 was rang twice during the event and the local police never attended at all Upside is security has been upgraded as authorities higher than the local police and council were notified as it becomes a federal issue being an airport. There are some @ssholes in this world that just want to take from others instead of earning it
  18. I guess when you are half hanging out of an aircraft at 32,000 ft doing 800kph your chances of survival are very slim, not to mention the traumas your body has gone through squeezing out that window in the first place. One very unlucky lady to be honest
  19. John,It was an off the cuff comment being that people will try anything these days to get a free dollar and I wouldn’t doubt it if a passenger or 3 on this flight tried it out. Just me and my sarcasm at play
  20. Well unless you portray you were thinking you were going to die how else are you going to try and get easy money out of the airline
  21. Ahh good old media reporting Fell out of the sky (really, like just stopped in mid air and fell) Ran out of petrol (wonder if it was E10, 91 RON, 95 RON or 98?) Spilt 400 litres of petrol, thought it ran out? (maybe fire service had petrol in their tanker instead of foam) Woman flying it (wonder what happened to the pilot) Easter miracle (we would have agreed with that if the reporting was anywhere close to the facts)
  22. Yes red750,Most news reports are saying that, not a bad innings to be still flying at that age Findings in to the accident will be interesting to see if we ever get to find out
  23. Not good, another brother gone to soon, condolences to all that knew the lost avi@tor
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