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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Sounds like milked or raped.Caught between a rock and a hard place Do you keep getting milked or go to another school and see if they start you over again basically from scratch
  2. Did he steer for the motorway to maximise his chances of pulling out of the loop once he realised he maybe in trouble Poor fella didn’t intentionally go out and say I’m going to kill 11 people today Just an error of judgment, I think if he crashed on the airfield and killed 11 no charges would have been laid as spectators are informed of the risks and usually enter at their own risk
  3. Welcome back toaviation ScuzzBeen way to long, now get those nav’s done & we will catch up for coffee sometime lol
  4. Welcome ChillifoxEnjoy the ride Hope you get some good stuff out of this site Where are you hailing from
  5. That is on the cards soon JackMaybe next trip home from work when I get back in to it Damn caravanning is taking up my flying time Alf
  6. Foxbat is a great aircraft My only complaint was the seating position Did not like it at all and find it very uncomfortable after a couple of hours for me
  7. Buckley’s Chance an autobiography of the life of the living legend Ben Buckley That’s my favourite
  8. Hi Vev The only one it seems I can make it too and I’m heading to Port Macquarie in the caravan in my 2 weeks off Damn been missing everything since I started back rotational work in the desert again
  9. Hi Vev The only one it seems I can make it too and I’m heading to Port Macquarie in the caravan in my 2 weeks off Damn been missing everything since I started back rotational work in the desert again
  10. I’ll check my work roster as I have been missing everything of late doing 2 weeks on and 2 off. Just checked and once again I’m screwed for this one too
  11. I was 23 when I first started flying but was only 21 hours in to GA when we had the recession we had to have in 1987 2 kids, mortgage something had to give Took it back up at 40 in 2004 and been hammering it since
  12. Your still only a pup Bob
  13. He was relying on his state of the art crumple zones and 7 airbags, he should have done like his parents should have done years earlier “pulled out while you had the chance”
  14. Gosh with the amount of SB’s and AD’ out on the 912iS it will be 20 years before I looked at one, and by that time it will cost 80K probably and we’ll out of my realms of reality. I’ll just stick with the carburettor model I currently run Electronics are great when they are all working in conjunction with each other but when one decides not to play it can play havoc like I have seen on a number of iS engines so far
  15. Di from Punkinhead Airsport sells a great leather boom mike cover, used it on the Trikes when I was flying them and cut all the wind noise out
  16. This is my AvPorn and I’m right into it as often as I can 145hrs for 2017, not to bad for a hack
  17. Correct like the government getting gst I was screwed
  18. 42 eh Gravity, I better put my coat on as it will be a bit chilly compared to the 47 deg days up here in the Cooper Basin lol 42 is very warm actually and not nice to fly in
  19. Great stuff Nightmare getting back in to it Must have been a nightmare breaking your arm and not being able to fly
  20. It’s a chemtrail speed and sighting spreader Awesome..........lol
  21. True Frank But remember plenty of people fly knowing full well their engine is going to keep going and never fail
  22. Nothing like a bit of Avporn to get the juices flowing in the mouth
  23. Your spot on Frank, My take on it is in the 2 seconds of WTF is happening was enough to dissipate the airspeed and as per human nature pull back on the stick cause the grounds coming up at me Hard to do to push it over when the grounds coming at you I think a thorough brief on EFATO could save the day as it is fresh in your mind prior to take off Engine fails push forward and maintain airspeed I say it out loud every time I take off as do I full power is attained, airspeed is alive & T’s & P’s are ok Sad fact is until it happens you never really know how you will react, the WTF moment can catch you out Alf
  24. And that’s the planes fault is it? Maybe if pilots instead of sitting there fat dumb and happy for 2 years between BFR’s relying on their engine keeping on going actually practiced stuff they were taught in their training the stats might improve I do something almost every flight in emergency procedures so I’m not startled and go in to panic mode when the noise up front decides to play up Worked for me a few years back as I didn’t have o think about what I had to do came automatically fuel pump on, carb heat on other fuel tap on and set best glide speed All I had to do was fly the plane for which I did Adrenalin level up but at no stage panic
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