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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Just make sure after you get your licence you keep on learning Once you think you know it all it’s time to give it up
  2. Engine failure shouldn’t kill you in any case Aircraft is fully controllable all the way to the ground If you mess it up it’s not the aircrafts fault
  3. Mines up to 2017 but no 2018 as yet Wondering how long it will take for the site to update
  4. Condolences to the family and friends of the lost brother of the air. Always sad to see someone succumb to the hobby we all most love to do. Just shows we are all not infallible and you never know when your time is up. RIP brother of the sky.
  5. Good hear Ayecapt Damn great aircraft, not only look the goods they fly very well And yes great to have 2 planes that came to Australia 11 years ago in the same container back together again in the same hangar Alf
  6. Sorry I missed you Bernie but I was away working over Christmas and the NY period Sorry to hear the lyc had to have a bulk strip I hide down on the front eastern apron where a Rudy is tucked up in the south west corner I never see him much and he probably wouldn’t know me all that well now Hope it wasn’t too heavy on the back pocket Alf
  7. Bexxxxxxxxx, Great idea mate but it’s like the old adage. Your have a choice to ferry a brand spanking new plane or 780 hour old one across the seas so which one do you choose??? I choose the one that has 780 hours on it as it has so far proven itself. On the other hand we are not going over the seas and there is a whole plane of spare parts at my disposal, wait!!!!!!! Also at his disposal , don’t like that thought. Na all good he is a great bloke
  8. Awww thanks Gravity she is mine. Here is a better look at her
  9. Hello fellow flyers. Please tell me what you think of these odds? 2 aircraft arrive in Australia in the same container 11 years ago, build number 155 &156, get put together then get registered with RAA with rego Numbers 24- 4574 & 24-4575 then go their seperate ways. Well today 4574 has joined its younger sibling once again to live in the same hangar in East Gippsland The new addition being now 11 years old has a measly 159hrs TTIS on the tach while mine has been flown regularly over the last 5 years has 760hrs, she only had 227 when I got her. Destiny or fate that is the question. I’m pretty chuffed seeing them in the same hangar after all this time apart. PS not a bad custom paint job the previous owner had done as it came in plain white from the factory for this very reason
  10. I think you have the senarios covered there Bex
  11. I’m betting the USA had the most fatal accidents as they have a thing that promotes aviation not like the thing here that wants to destroy it
  12. In general 43 is 43 too many take 6 off that NY eve and is 36, still 36 too many
  13. HF Yes was low compared to a few years ago when I counted a year. 3500 that year. I recall this year while going through the pages only one major accident at Myanmar I think which was 122 fatalities So yes good year if you can call 1479 lives lost, not a good year for the loved ones Mind you I didn’t count the ground stats in it One 747 that crashed with 4 crew on board too 35 lives on the ground
  14. According to the Aviation Safety Network for reportable accidents. We lost 1479 people in aviation related accidents worldwide for 2017. This includes airlines, military, GA, Helicopters, gyros, ultralights, hang gliders, powered chutes and so on. We as Australians lost 43 people just like you and me in 2017 doing what we love to do. Might be useless information to some but counting 30+ pages takes awhile so give me a break if I’m out by a couple for the worldwide count. Aviation Safety Network > ASN Aviation Safety WikiBase > Year index > 2017 Cheers Alf
  15. That is so sad to see, people like you and me on a day out ready to celebrate the NY tonight and in a blink of an eye it’s all over in this life. Condolences to all the family and friends of the lost souls
  16. Well said skippydiesel Bit like the Holden / Ford debate Me personally I prefer Nissan or Jap cars Low wing is my choice as I have flown both types What I like about my Tecnam Sierra is it looks like a GA aircraft compared to some also it flys as well as it looks People saying bubble canopies are hotter on the ground are dreaming All aircraft a hot inside if they have been sitting in the sun all day. High wings are good for shade and rain standing up Low wings are good for shade and laying down Horses for courses as you say Alf
  17. Merry Christmas all I must be crazy working in the desert in 45 degree heat on Christmas Day That’s right I am crazy PLANE crazy that’s why I do it
  18. The other moral if the story is don’t be too impatient taking off after your mate has just lifted off Also allow some serious spacing as it can and will bite you if you provoke the tiger
  19. They all get hot SDQDI high or low on the ground Upside is I can lay in the ants longer as the shade stays for longer under a low wing:-) Plus I can lay down instead of stand up Sliding canopy in the Tecnam Sierra has some great advantages while taxiing Also you may be surprised how good of view you get out one when flying as they fly quite nose low in trim
  20. Yes that is true 100% Graeme but use that for offshore operations and heliport Have spoken to the heliport on odd occasions whilst flying past as I knew most of the people who worked there when I was in Bass Srtait on the rigs Haven’t called them up in ages as I haven’t been offshore since 2010
  21. Same to you and yours Kaz
  22. antoric69 They are deactivated until 14th January 2018 So fill your boots lad You can fly right over the base if you like just don’t touch the rubber on the black stuff CTAF is 118.300 and Mel Ctr frequency for the area is 124.000 until your past Latrine Valley (Latrobe Valley) then it goes to 120.00 BTW enjoy the scenery it’s pretty special the Gippsland area and Lakes system If your going the coast just watch out for the Esso Wokka Wokka thump thumps between Golden Beach and halfway to Seaspray, they will be monitoring 118.300 anyway Cheers Alf
  23. Very true Jerry_Atrick Much easier to use a vehicle than a plane these days as commercial airliners have now much stringent controls stopping unauthorised access in to cockpits That’s the problem with the DA Pollies thinking they have stopped aircraft attacks The reinforced door stops them these days Look out we will all be applying shortly for a MVSIC The mind just boggles to how many sleepers of this cult they belong to have infiltrated in to this great once country of ours
  24. To be honest Bob I am very impressed with FLT. LT Brown as he has a genuine interest in our plight and is a man of his word Our issue at West Sale is we are within 3nm of ESL extended centreline even though they are at 3000ft when they pass us Might be looking for some hangar space soon at Bairnsdale, got any ??? Lol
  25. Does this mean I can’t go out to the airport and fill her up anymore???, no more polishing the knobs and flaps??, no more checking her undercarriage
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