Hi Geoff,
I’ve been across the divide about 20 times over the years from West Sale going various ways
Up the Licola Valley keeping below the 8500 ft step out of Melbourne then across past Mount Skene which is an option if the fan stops (not pretty but still an option) then a right turn up the King Valley
In the trike I had one section where I was probably 6 minutes with no real option between Licola and Mansfield , in the plane it is about 3 minutes.
Another way I have gone a number of times is direct from West Sale and up the Dargo Valley usually at 9500 ft as the CTA Step is out to 18000 LL , at height you would be able to make either the low land plains at the start of the divide or the Dargo Valley depending on you glide ratio of course, from Dargo I follow the high plains road which is an option as it is fairly un treed in places but wouldn’t be pretty on the undercard if you had to put down from there I fly between Hotham Summit and Hotham airport which are both options as well as the road if needed
The most common way I go is via Bairnsdale and then up over to Swifts Creek then up along the side of Livingstone Valley keeping it within gliding range at all times, I always track close to Hotham airport then have direct track to Mt Beauty which is about 20nm away from it, this takes you close to Falls Creek resort and ski fields which in places are fairly un treed
My flight paths I always deviate towards cleared valleys or things I see as options and stay within gliding range of them the best I can
Most times I’m not left without an option for more than a couple of minutes and I always fly high to maximise my options if the fan stops
Contrary to what people may think there are quite a few options crossing the divide if you fly high and smartly
Yes it is a calculated risk I know but you either got to be unlucky or Sh!t out of luck if it stops in the few minutes between no mans land
If your coming from Melbourne way I’d certainly either cross the divide near Kilmore or scoot through up past Marysville and Buxton way as high as the step allows you which from memory is 6500 then out to 8500 which I have done a few times heading to Yarrawonga
Hope this helps