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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Matter of fact LTF I was, picked up a young fella who has just got back in to flying and did a sortie to Mallacoota to return the terminal tea and coffee canister my other friend mistakenly put in my cooler back the last time we were there. I’m gathering that was you in the white RV, the lucky one who got to fly back while the other half had to drive back
  2. Well Phil The age old saying of There are those who have and there are those who are yet too still applies this to this day Been going on since the dawn of retractable aircraft and we as humans are sometimes the weakest link
  3. No injuries, just a gear up landing
  4. I’m guessing Goolwa people Bex lol I’ll be passing through Adelaide tomorrow on my way back home to Mexico (Victoria) One day I might have the pleasure of meeting you
  5. Not much can go wrong until you put a human in it, then it can go pear shaped as we have seen Yes not a good promo showing and encouraging low level manoeuvres
  6. The Icon A5 flew perfectly fine right up until the pilot destroyed it and himself in the process Another hey watch this accident by the looks of the video
  7. Nice work Bruce They should be confident as they produce fantastic looking aircraft with brilliant flying qualities
  8. TP Windsock itself probably wouldn’t cause the crash but if it hit the support pole I’m guessing it could
  9. Great read Peter Thanks for sharing your adventure Great photos also
  10. Lovely fella that MartyG and his lovely Deb eh David Been friends with him since childhood and friends with Deb when they hooked up many a year ago He once was a Victorian for many years then went soft and moved to Qld But still in contact with them Glad you got to meet them both Alf
  11. Always sad to lose fellow aviators in the pursuit of what most of us love doing Condolences to all families and friends of the lost brothers / sisters in this recent accident
  12. Yes Marty It is a great zoo, the old jail in town is also an interesting place also to visit Sharon & I enjoyed Dubbo the 4 day’s we stayed there while passing through to Adelaide from Port Macquarie while in the van Flying to Adelaide Sunday hence why I’m not up there + the weather is not the best this side of the range Alf
  13. That’s why I brought my own To use it when I wanted it Sacrificed 20 years of living away from home for 1/2 the year Owner of the plane should have the right to decide whether to hire or not
  14. Coming home this evening driving the bus I seen what looked like a C172 sitting in a paddock between YLTV (Latrobe Valley) runway 21 and the freeway overpass Cows seemed awfully happy to have the company as about 20 were milling around it Gathering a possible engine problem put it there Anyone got any info on it Alf
  15. Yes looked great as I flew by
  16. A magic day it was to be aviating today Another 3.5 hrs in the logbook for a total of 5.5 for the weekend Opposite end of the state this weekend. Last Sunday it was to Stawell, this Sunday was to Mallacoota along the glorious East Gippsland coastline what Beaten my previous best for a year with 124.9 hours so far from the start of January this year Living the dream
  17. Sorry Love to fly but I sortied off to Mallacoota today for something different Cracker day for it I fly out of West Sale
  18. I used to pay $145 hr wet for a Tecnam Sierra about 5 years ago Then I went and bought one
  19. Very sad That’s the 4th glider fatality in about a month Not good for the gliding fraternity losing fellow flyers Condolences to all the families and friends of those recently lost living out the passion of aviation for which we all love
  20. Flew from West Sale today up to Stawell in Western Victoria to catch up with the crew at Stawell Aviation Services the Victorian Tecnam dealer Great to catch up with John, Val & Graeme Boatman and check out the new Tecnam Sierra MKII Comparing the 2 was interesting with a few notable changes like a slightly larger canopy/cockpit, full glass panel, landing light in the cowl where as mine is in the wing Rear side windows missing on the MKII The guys are just waiting on the rego to come through from RAA and will hopefully test fly it later in the week Great flight up to Stawell after calling in to YLTV to pick up my brother to join me for the flight, we were blessed with a 10kt tailwind heading up at 4500ft and a 17kt tailwind on the return trip at 7500ft Tracked via Port Phillip Heads both ways Must say the canola fields were in full bloom between Torquay and Stawell and it was as pretty as a picture as was Port Phillip Bay Total flight time was 5.1 hrs on the airswitch for the day and a great day was had by all
  21. What's the bet a grey ghost gave him a parking ticket for being outside the parking bay
  22. Hmmmmm maybe?????? The contents of the lavatories came back up through the opening from which they were recently deposited in and began flowing down between the seats changing the isle carpet colour for which in turn then mingled with the fresh foul smelling odour from all of the flight crew and every passenger onboard, this mind you included the seat decor changing from ocean blue to a off colour brown after the encounter with the sever turbulence. Was this enough for the captain to think the aircraft may have been over stressed
  23. SDQDI I like your opinions so keep them coming
  24. I hope you have a formation rating SDQDI with that squadron of yours Question, are they 2 or 4 stroke powered? Lol
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