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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Thanks Col for clearing that up I like the Greens now, Di Natale and Sarah Hanson Young are my faves now So what good do the Greens do for us Oh tha See Franco, The soot kept the crocs away!!!! Now that it's cleaned up they are back to eat you lot Was a positive out of all that soot after all
  2. We are a minuscule polluter compared to Asian countries, do they give a hoot about polluting??? We are going to make a huge difference our little 24 million inhabitants to the world pollution levels while a majority of the rest of the world don't give a stuff We get cleaner while they get dirtier but we save the world, I think not I'm all for reliable clean cheap energy but until such time we can get it, keep our poxy little coal fired power stations running
  3. Correct Old Koreelah you know me well. Don't like any church at all, don't believe in fictional characters or like tax avoiding organisations like churches And yes a hatred of lobby's that try to shut down coal fired power stations without a sustainable or reliable replacement
  4. Which movement is stopping the forestry a renewable resource industry costing hundreds of jobs in my region alone because of what?? A few possums that are going to die anyway in the uncontrolled bushfires we have down here Which movement objects to most mining projects wanting to start Which movement holds the presiding governments to ransom for there preference votes The Greens
  5. I'll tell you what FT I'd rather be stupid than to be you One day maybe just one day you will say something nice about something but I doubt that will ever happen You remind me of someone I used to know Only time he smiled was when someone he knew died Ironic huh
  6. I have to chuckle on this about Australia banning 2 strokes We a country with 24 million people have a 2 stroke issue? How about someone from our dumb arxe government head to India with a population of 1.2 billion and see how many 2 strokes are used over there You cannot see for the smog and this is just one country in Asia Knee jerk reaction bowing to the Greens Muppets nothing more
  7. The windmills were few and far between on my travels in the oil game but most were busted up so your on to something there Kaz Always wondered why most of the blades were twisted up on them Remember one day a J230 flew in to Innamincka from Birdsville on a hot stinking day with the thermals popping, the boys said they got to 7500ft and were still in them so just gave up and hung on On the ground they were ready to head to the pub and I asked them if they were going to tie it down, they asked what for, I then pointed out to them the 15 or so dust devils popping at that time within 5nm from the strip and some of them were quite huge Tie downs came out with a few extras quite promptly amongst the sweat, flys and grumbles from the lads trying to screw them into the baked earth of Innamincka
  8. Matt I worked in the desert in and around innamincka for 4 years (120 miles SE from Birdsville) and it can get quite warm and hot late October Early morning up to 10- 11am is usually calm from memory Make sure you take good tie downs with you as the willy willys can get quite large up that way and lots of them at times You don't want to be fighting the thermals when it's hot as you will need to be up near 10,000 ft to avoid them and maybe even higher
  9. Tail strike is no big deal if it is repaired correctly JAL 123's repair wasn't done right
  10. They are still making them Airbus's that is
  11. Nice video Parkway Thoroughly enjoyed it
  12. Thanks Parkway I will do that trip myself one day
  13. Parkway Sounds like it would have been an awesome trip Thanks for sharing the video Do you have day 2 and 3?
  14. Our biggest problem these days is mainstream media, never let the truth get in the way of a good story that will sell I wouldn't leak on it if it was on fire
  15. Hmm I must remember to wear my motorbike helmet in to the bank and in to service stations Government has the power to make and change the rules but it chooses otherwise You have your opinions TP and I respect them, I have mine, who is right?? Dunno but it doesn't matter
  16. It comes from me and my own opinion on his love and bend over backwards attitude for the Muslim vote Why are we having to change our ways to please and not offend a minority when we are living in a mostly Christian western world Things like wanting to close a public swimming pool on a certain day to allow the Muslim women and children to bathe Yeah right leave a country their religion and beliefs has destroyed to change ours only to be destroy it
  17. Have you noticed I and millions of others haven't either, some things don't seem to bother us and that for one doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the amount of money Halal Mal is spending on it
  18. I own a Tecnam Sierra and yes I own it so why would I be owning a Jabiru And you sir??? What do you own other than the dreams going around inside your mind One day FT you might surprise us and have something positive to say on here All I have ever heard from you in the 10 years I have been on here is negativity Smile mate you actually might like it
  19. The idiots that voted for her are like me, totally sick of the mainstream politics and corruption that goes with it And FT I fly, the question is do you???
  20. Well aren't we lucky FT that we have such an honest PM in TurDbull (or dare I say Halal Mal) and his wonderful government
  21. Hey Jacky Boy I just noticed you had 2 confirmed attendees to you fly in on your page Myself and Matt Walsh both from Mecciko Unfortunately you only had a 50% success rate between us two Top job Matt to make it from Victoria as if I could have got out also us Mexicans would have had something to boast about Alf
  22. There is one at LTV Laurie As you say beautifully built and finished off I went for a fly in it with the owner and flew it It is the 8m wingspan model Compared to my Sierra without trying to sound bias I found it very stiff and heavy in roll (which being the 8m wing compared to the 9 m wing model) and it flew quite nose high in s/l flight and to me didn't handle the turbulence anywhere near as well as mine Another pilot friend also went for a fly in it and commented that the Sierra was a much nicer aircraft to fly in his opinion I'd still have one no doubt about that but I certainly prefer the flying qualities of mine compared to it
  23. Cheers Tim Very disappointing that I couldn't make it across from here as I have been waiting for months for this weekend to arrive but the wind was relentless here and it is not worth dying for I would have had a very slow trip across as the winds were 45kts at 2500ft and stronger the higher you went and also cloud was almost down to the ground at a Horsham with 4000 meters visibility going by the AWIS from 6am right through to 11am as I kept on checking Glad you had a great turn out as it you deserve it I'll find a weekend soon with a big high and forecast manageable winds load the swag up again and fly over and catch up in any case for the weekend Will keep in touch Cheers Alf
  24. Hi Matt, Did you get out of Penfield and across to Sherlock? I was stymied at West Sale greeted with 20kt winds with gusts of 30 on the ground Not to mention the 45kt headwind I was going to encounter at 2500ft Horsham AWIS also showed cloud down to 600ft and vis of 4000 meters up until around 10:30am That put a stop on it for me Alf
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