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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Ohhhh Dooeees Ruskies Cuppla wodkas an sheeel be ok
  2. You rended first aid to the occupants, the end result probably would not of changed much had you not Your human instinct to help kicked in and you should not be criticised for that We as humans are not perfect, did you contribute to the mans death? I don't think so even if you moved him Hindsight is a good thing after the fact Head high Gibbo you did your best whether right or wrong
  3. Only Homes (Holmes) in Sherlock scre80 And not many of them
  4. Geez Jacky Boy, I thought you would have shot down all the Jerries by now
  5. Pretty sure Tim will help you out with that
  6. Oscar At the end of the day the force landing didn't go well and a pancake arrival looks to occurred for which you cannot lay blame to the aircraft for that If the aircraft was flown controlled all the way in to the force landing the result may have been far different Yes the rear bulkhead looks to have parted and compromised the seat belts but that may very well have been from the type of arrival it under took for which the aircraft was not designed for
  7. Valid point Guernsey, but!!!!!!! Jacky boy is not after modern day stuff like ours He will probably just melt them down and sell the aluminium ingots and EBay the instruments
  8. Hmmm not one I'd be chasing, but then again it is all up to the individual on the day And really I'm after nothing more than catching up with Tim but this time flying in instead of driving in
  9. Let's hope Jacky Boy the weather gods are shining I got me eye on the longest distance flown trophy lol
  10. Well if the engine wasn't spinning it was a glider for awhile
  11. Channel 7 is reporting a lightly down at Clyde North SE of Melbourne near Cranbourne News footage showing pic of plane which is a RAA reg'd Bristell by the looks of it Pilot and Pax alive but with injuries report is saying
  12. Great effort Marty Good to see you back in the air again and handling those issues with ease and confidence
  13. That was about as close as Fffff fire truck is to swearing Lucky people
  14. Skippydiesel Rotax being a dry sump what oil in the canister is the oil level I always check it again before flight in any case As for the modules, we'll my take on it is less heat the better post shutdown, yes they probably are designed for heat soak but I am figuring if I let the latent heat dissipate by opening the cowl hatches I'm doing the modules a favour by not letting them soak up the heat Plus opening the cowl hatches takes all of 2 seconds a side. Cheers Alf
  15. I usually burp mine after the flight I find the oil comes back in to the canister much easier Also allows me to look over the hot engine for leaks with the cowls open Another reason is I like the cowls open to not bake the ignition modules with the latent heat of a hot engine
  16. Whether you want it or not
  17. Having flown both in the A22LS I prefer the Y stick to the wheel, I found that with full span ailerons/ flapperons the Y stick. gave more leverage and felt much lighter in the roll axis compared to the control wheel which felt stiff and slow Also with the stick you get electric trim with a trim gauge, one thing I don't like about the trim on the control wheel one was there was no markings on the slide telling you where trim is to be set for takeoff Just my opinion Alf
  18. Sent you a PM
  19. Mark In my biased opinion the P2002 just looks so much sleeker and refined than the high wings
  20. Was a ripper JF previously VH rego to RAA for sale in the Recreational Aviation Members market a couple of weeks back but only lasted 3 days before it was gone Had full GA panel and 800hrs TT for 70K They never last long once they become up for sale
  21. I have owned a P2002 for the last 4 1/2 years and absolutely love it, over 400hrs in it in that time and cannot fault it in any way shape or form Best looking rec aircraft in the market in my bias opinion along with faultless flying qualities
  22. Hi Mark I cannot fault the Sierra in any way shape or form Comfortable, economical, brilliant flying qualities, docile, responsive and so easy to land and absolutely no bad quirks about it plus it is IMO the best looking aircraft out there in the light sport range Mine is not a JF model Cheers Alf
  23. Hi Mark I have 525 hrs on the airframe now, had 184 on it when I got it 4 1/2 years ago Love it still Cheers Alf
  24. Biggles You never cease to amaze me How does one man have so much talent one must ask Alf
  25. I'd say a Bristell would accomodate the person well Very roomy adjustable seats and rudder pedals from memory and a roomy cabin and quite a delight to fly
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