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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Nice place LTF What are you flying in to BNS I keep my eye out for it and I'll introduce myself to you if I see it parked there when I fly in
  2. Where you at now LTF I got Bens Book "Buckley's Chance" Great read about Ben and his escapades Signed copy also Alf
  3. Thanks Bob I did insist
  4. Thanks for the catch up Biggles, now where is your mug shot old mate
  5. Public purse to buy the drone Please explain
  6. No probs with that Neil all Ian's new cabinet are brain dead so no transplant needed Easy job Point and tell them how they are going to spend the 1.2 billion wisely Oh BTW Ian Congrats on whatever your doing
  7. Ahhh Ian Taking over Dan's job a Premier Well done
  8. Them paramotors Red sure hoot along at flight levels
  9. Well this little Alf must be genetic mutated as he towers over the lettuce at over 6'1 and he thinks the Bull might be talking droppings in this little story about this Alf and his miniature cousins who played with the little Fokker who arrived unannounced The little lettuce and that little Fokker in the field were lucky a Bull wasn't in the paddock as they might have git eaten along with the Fokkers tasty cloth rear end Ok back to topic
  10. Lettuce give Bull the benefit of the doubt Poor little Fokker
  11. Angel Flight is not the problem The problem is the generous and voluntary pilots who make very poor decisions in very poor weather This is now 6 lives or more from memory lost in recent years in bad weather Pilots are donating their time and aircraft there should be no pressure on them to complete the mission The pressure is self inflicted
  12. Just surmising because he got it ok in marginal conditions so getting out will be just as easy may have been the mindset at the time, but history has just shown that was not the case
  13. Well Jamel In people's eyes it always happens to someone else Problem is your surname can change to someone else quite easily when you push the boundaries I'm guessing his intentions were good but his excecution was not and now families are destroyed At the end of the day no matter the outcome or the actual cause he probably shouldn't have been there in those conditions
  14. Cardinal George already to do a runner
  15. Only guessing but may have had a carb icing issue/engine problem due to the moisture around the airport at the time trying to get back to airport going by the flight track ATSB with cover all avenues
  16. Tobago TB10 media reports are saying, is a low wing by the photo Condolences to the family's and friends of the lost aviators
  17. Budget Planey Budget I said Don't class Qatar, Emirates or Etihad budget
  18. I will not fly on any budget Asian or Middle Eastern airline ever, flew once on Air India on a dirty rattling 737 from Singapore once to Mumbai (companies fault) and never again If QF32 was flown by some of these airlines I'm betting it would have been the first loss of a A380 as the culture is totally different, they cannot question the captain, they are afraid to override his authority, lot of them are not stick and rudder pilots just automated trained, quite a few accidents over the years where the pilots were confused with what the plane was saying (Aerolingus out of Peru, Air France off the African coast just to name a couple) I think Western trained pilots have a far better culture and understanding when it comes to problems)
  19. Correct KR I was referring to Yenns post on where Tex took himself out and a Pax
  20. Nothing like a dead cowboy Yenn history has shown plenty It's all fun and games until the Fhit hits the San
  21. Thanks Geoff Believe it or not I felt a lot of support from members on here and it was good to be able to translate what at the time I was going through on a daily basis, it was sort of a release but frightening also It was a tough time at the time and it changed a few things for the better for me by what happened I still pinch myself that we got so much of her back when in reality she shouldn't be here at all with us today I never have a bad day these days not that I really did before hand, I've always been a person who if a problem arises I work on a solution to fix it but this I had no way of working on it and felt so helpless I'm still waiting to win lotto lol, but I won a jackpot already Alf
  22. Just for the record My daughters was from a birth defect they said she always has been a non smoker and non drinker persay and definitely not a drug user Hers was what the surgeons called a brain explosion it was that big
  23. Sorry to hear spacesailor We were lucky, Matt was still on the phone to 000 when the ambos arrived within 5 mins of the call being placed Triage nurse at Emergency was on the phone to a surgeon who was not on call that night apologising for calling him but asking what the first thing they should do after explaining her symptoms to him (ambulance was still at her home stabilising her while this was happening) How do I know this, the surgeon she called is one of my best friends who at the time did not know it was my daughter and didn't find out until next morning but she was already in the Alfred by then for which he had told ER to inchubate her and prepare to transfer her as They would not be able to handle what was coming in Yes we were very lucky All the stars linden up for us that night
  24. So true Nightmare Until this happened to her I had no idea how many young people die from this let alone middle aged and elderly I was gobsmacked when the surgeon said it was quite common in young people to suffer these We were lucky Very damn lucky in the end Alf
  25. Videos say it all about that operation Pilots are hired from the local Total Tools store If their AOC hasn't been pulled yet and their licences cancelled for life they should be That is reckless and endangering life activities they conduct on their so called joy/ adventure flights If the ATSB finds negligence contributed to this crash I'm guessing charges will and should be laid and so they should be Although we don't know the actual cause of the engine failure that contributed to this fatality this cowboy operation should have been shutdown as soon as these antics where discovered
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