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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Kyle Comm's Great news for your mother Inlaw Yep I consider I've won the lottery Hate to think how much I may have changed if my daughter didn't make it as I was not a happy person at the time Alf
  2. Onetrack That is great news Glad to hear she is ok Never know what is around the corner, she was fit, healthy and not one sign of anything wrong with her prior to the event Had dinner that night, put her plate in the sink and walked out in to the lounge, looked at her husband and said " something's going on in my head that is not right" and then dropped to the floor and the fun then started for her She doesn't remember basically the next month and a half after that 21 days in intensive care atthe Alfred Hospital , 3 odd weeks in a general ward then 3 months in rehab at Caulfield then a long recovery back home Yes some of us are lucky and I consider our family one of those Alf
  3. Hi all Alf here celebrating tonight 22 June 2017. 3 years ago on this night as some may remember my eldest daughter (31yo) at the time suffered her almost fatal brain aneurysm. Given up for dead by all in the medical profession at the time she proved them wrong and survived, not only did she survive she came back to about 98% of what she was before the event As some in the medical field said after her long recovery that she is 1 in 3 million who come back to almost the same as they were before the event 85 out of 100 don't survive it and very few come out without a severe side effect i.e paralysis, blindness, speech ect from the type and location of the bleed she had Well I'm happy as is the rest of the family and friends as you could well imagine. MELISSA is leading a normal life 3 years on, back at work, being a great mum to her kids, a good wife to her husband (who mind you went through equally as much hell as we did at the time), being a great friend to her friends and best of all being a beautiful family member to her family that adore her (us) I went looking for my A Parents Nightmare post but some how i couldn't access it to update it So guys and girls life is pretty good I say for us and unfortunately not for others that have gone through this Nightmare we have And for that I think and feel for them as I know how hard it was Cheers Alf
  4. I got mine early in June
  5. Guess ol Lowy doesn't see it that way KR The operation up there I'm guessing also operated a rodeo after hours
  6. Funny how video doesn't lie Thanks for the report Love to fly
  7. Plus SDQDI You have to take in the element on the road of every other driver trying to kill you
  8. Wise old saying If you have time to spare go by air If you HAVE to get there!!! Drive Weather forecasts are only a prediction, things can change rapidly and be unforeseen If there is any doubt reconsider it if you are already in the air, a simple 180 while you can might just save your family a lot of grief
  9. Nev I like that the Evans makes it run warmer My heads now run at 95 and the oil came up 10 deg as well Gained 30 deg on the heads from the glycol mix which used to run at about 65 Never had the heads or oil temp ever go out of the green even on a 40 deg day on a prolonged climb to altitude Alf
  10. Downunder I believe it is not recommend for the later model 912 engines with the redesigned heads Rotax years back advised not to use 50/50 mix and switch to Evans which I did I personally think they recommend whoever is paying them the most to run their brand of coolant in their engines I have had not one ounce of trouble in the combined 1100 hrs of use with 4 stroke Rotax engines using Evans and I'm not about to change at this point in time Cheers Alf
  11. Love your work Bob Couldn't of said it better myself
  12. I just use Evans NPG and have so for the last 10 1/2 years with my trike (6)and the Tecnam (4 1/2) (912 4 strokes) Never an issue and never a problem and best of all never have to change it
  13. eightyknots Probably be able to get it from a BUNNINGS AEROSPACE store near you soon
  14. I'm not quoting this accident with my comment I was merely stating that BLA 82 was most likely referring to a promo / YouTube video which showed Pax with seat belts off during a non aerobatic manoeuvre Pretty good practice BTW to allow paying passengers to undo their seat belts while you do a non aerobatic pushover in to negative g You keep defending Woody it's fine you obviously get Buzz out of your Toy Story operation
  15. Low Flyer 1770 I think he maybe referring to the negative g pushovers in you promo / YouTube videos that have been posted I could be wrong but that's what I'm guessing
  16. Couple of Foxbats in my hangar, A22ls's and draggy they are as Downunder has said, when you chop the power they slow down rather well, bang out full flap with those full span flaperons and they are as solid as a rock just like throwing a couple of parachutes out Heard an interesting comment today about people always wanting to go faster but also wanting as many hours logged in the book The faster you go the quicker you get there and the less hours go in to the book Valid point
  17. Another brother lost Hearing it was an ag pilot Condolences to the lost aviators family and friends
  18. Seen designated RFDS strips along the Nullarbor, Birdsville development road near where the Arrubury road comes out and a few other places in my time
  19. As I said Geoff If you continue to push into it you will lose out eventually You are correct on the point that pilots kill themselves more times than not with the help of the weather as without these weather conditions there probably wouldn't be anything to report on Thanks for the caution, it's my first one and it's going straight to the pool room
  20. The weather It has killed thousands of VFR and a large number of IFR pilots since the dawn of aviation and will continue to do so in the future as long as pilots push in to it Cumulusgranitus, Cumulusearthus and Cumulustimberous are very unforgiving cloud formations that every VFR pilot should stay well away from when they get close to the ground
  21. Condolences to the family and friends of the lost aviator Conditions reported as very marginal at the time It's not worth the risk getting yourself in a situation where you have no options
  22. Na Mick It wasn't your ham fistedness getting in and out my plane that did it, I'm guessing it's the pressure on the canopy from the cruise speed (tongue in cheek comment) so you wouldn't have that problem if the Foxbat had a canopy lol I sorted it I think before you ever got in it lol P.S Those iS engines are the go eh lol Cheers Your mate
  23. Thank John Nothing in the manuals that came with the plane have any of this so it is very helpful information from you I had searched the Tecnam website for information and also emailed them back in 2013 but go no information on how to remove it Cheers Alf
  24. Man's Best Friend Is His / Her plane
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