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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Well I guess he could say the child is a newborn and his wife went in to expedited labour when the engine failed, was born on descent to the forced landing cleaned up and dressed before touchdown. Oh and the child aged a year through the experience of it all. That should work?
  2. Never need to ever buy a lotto ticket those guys in the Metro, amazing it held together.
  3. Well, guess he won’t be flying like a knob again, hey train driver how cool do I look, yeah mate you looked cool right up until you messed up, toot toot. winner
  4. Very fortunate to get out of that and going to make full recovery. Guess it is a game of seconds and mm as a degree here and there at impact could have had a totally different outcome.
  5. OME, Motorbike does have a written checklist, when I had my Microlight it was part of the pre takeoff/pre landing checklist. (Helmet/harness secure) one cannot rush the art of flying.
  6. Condolences to the families of the lost aviators, blue sky’s and tailwind to you both.
  7. Only one will win and that’s the lawyer as the win whether you win lose or draw, just need to take a cup of concrete and harden up, get over it move on as you will be better for it not going through that school.
  8. Well for starters you cannot replace them with me or the missus as o would not have been there if I was not current. His decision making alone brought him and his son undone, as sad as it is it should not really have happened but it did.
  9. At the end of the day he wasn’t current or licensed so he should not of been flying so it shouldn’t have happened. Can’t blame ATC on this one as he should not of been in the air piloting a plane.
  10. Susan sounds like a bit of a Covid Karen. Bet you got more chance of getting a 4 lane freeway built from Australia to the USA across the Pacific from the Genie you found in a bottle on the beach than asking him to figure out how her mind works.
  11. OME, I guess if you crash you could call that a fail.
  12. Depending on who your instructor is is the difference between how you feel about a BFR, me I find them very valuable with the 2 different instructors I have had over the years.
  13. Mercy Mission rescue of flight 771. Movie based on a true story of an American ferry pilot ferrying an Cessna 188 ag wagon from San Fransisco to Australia in December 1978 who’s navigation equipment malfunctioned and got lost between Pago Pago and Norfolk Island. A commercial Air New Zealand 767 Jet without onboard radar eventually found him after many hours searching for him and using many old WW2 pilot tricks to pinpoint his location from the wise old captain and the navigator. You can watch the full movie off the net. enjoy, I have many a time.
  14. Steve, the soft start allows the engine to fire 4 degrees after TDC which will save the sprag clutch from any damage, once it reaches 1000 rpm it reverts back to 27 deg BTDC like the standard ignitions. I have to replace my sprag clutch soon as my battery got a bit tired a while back and it kicked back a few times and damaged it. you will never have a problem with soft start modules.
  15. The Faeta is very Tecnam Sierra looking in the fuselage but does not look like it has the dihedral in the wings like the Sierra does but it’s wingspan looks bigger than the Sierra, but overall it would be a lovely plane I think and it looks quite good.
  16. Guess when you got over 55,000 Rotax engines world wide compared to 6000 Jabiru engines You don’t have to be Einstein to figure out which is the reliable one.
  17. 145 in 2018, 72 in 2019 & currently 90 so far this year, pretty happy for a hack RAA pilot who is restrict to flying only weekends as the RAAF curtails weekday flying. + I worked away for 6 months of the year on rotation for the last 26 years up until 3 months ago. 1645 hrs in the last 16 years so cannot complain too much.
  18. Wires huh, hope he wasn’t showboating. Glad the aviator is going to be ok.
  19. Nothing much other than killing yourself happens when you are stupid. Ambitions exceeded ability in this case.
  20. I would love to ferry a plane from Australia to the USA & back, something I have always thought about. Not much just a little hop over a ship load of water.
  21. He is still there as a assistant tech manager, just sitting in the background waiting to pounce I guess.
  22. Me neither, lost about 6 months of subscriptions I paid for when they stopped it also
  23. Mike , apparently so, my bet is it gets a huge advertising plug in the mag if we ever get it.
  24. RFguy, I have flown many times over the divide in a Trike and in my Tecnam, depending on what you are flying and what route you are taking & the winds aloft will give you the minutes you spend over no man’s land. Height is your friend, if cloud base limits you you will have longer runs over where the tigers hide. You must know the wind direction as it could be critical if the fan stops, the valley 10 miles down wind might be reachable where the valley 5 miles upwind might not be. It is all weather related, you need probably a minimum of 2500 ft above the terrain to avoid possible mountain wave situations but you can get it higher than that above terrain. I used to fly either 8500 or 9500 depending on the direction you are heading you also must remember you are up there with IFR traffic with 500ft separation so be disciplined with your heights, at those heights it used to give me a far greater gliding range and in the Tecnam I’m usually no more than 3 minutes over no man’s land, mind you I was always aware of wind direction and track, I just stayed within gliding range of a reachable valley. At the end of the day it is a calculated risk if the fan stops, you just have to have a disciplined plan and stick to it. The odds of the engine stopping is minimal, just don’t be blaise and direct track over long areas of Tiger country, crossing the divide has a lot more options than some may think.
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