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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Condolences to all families and friends who knew the aviators
  2. We control our own destiny in our lives Planes don't crash on their own, the human input crashes it through poor airmanship, poor decision making, get home itis, bravado, feeling invincible, pushing the boundaries, poor maintenance and plain habits by some and the list goes on Sometimes pilots become just sheer out of luck, but every accident we read is always caused by the human element in one way or another, as for this one? who knows, hopefully we may get some information on the findings but I very much doubt it
  3. Correct Yenn 1nm per minute Big long tiring working week just gone so was obviously in brain f@rt mode when writing
  4. Capt Wally Bristell is cheaper to buy than a new Sierra They are good value for money that is for sure as is the Sling 2 seater
  5. Geoff Probably not worded from me quite right Trike did one knot a minute so 60nm in1 hour Sierra does 100nm in one hour so it would take me 40 minutes longer in the trike to achieve the same distance But I'm guessing you knew what I meant It's not rocket science
  6. At 4800 rpm it averages 13.3lph between 95 & 100kts and that is not from the fuel flow meter reading either, that is from full back to full over a sortie af a couple of hrs which includes taxi, climb, cruise ect The Sierra is a little bit more slippery and faster than some of the high wing Tecnams
  7. Yep sure does P2002 Tecnam Sierra 100kts cruise on 14lph, 6 hrs range & good payload People used to say after I finished trike flying that 100kts won't be enough and I'd be looking for more Well after 8 years triking at 60 kts and the last 4 1/2 years at 100, 100 is plenty enough for me as I'm 40 minutes ahead every hour in front of the trike
  8. Can't help it if the weatherman got it wrong Cancelled because of the predicted forecast and made other plans Turned out lovely here Saturday morning but looked cloudy over the ranges Always next year
  9. Maybe, he ended up dying while doing something he loved, loved it right up until something went wrong I know I love flying but dont think I'll be loving it if it goes pear shaped and the grounds coming up at me at a great rate of knots
  10. Not the outcome we were all hoping for Condolences to the pilots family and friends
  11. Neil What part are you not getting???? A PLB is manually activated, an ELT is a fixed locating device that is fitted to a plane and is supposed to go off at a certain G level And many factory fitted ELT's in Cessna' Pipers amongst other brands ect don't go off in an accident as history has proved There is no proof this aircraft wasn't carrying a PLB as it most likely wouldn't be fitted with an ELT as it is a home built As stated before the missing pilot may not have had time to activate his PLB if he was carrying one for a myriad of reasons eg, medical event, excessive G forces, and he may not be in any way shape or form to activate it now after the aircraft made contact with the ground So you can't go off your rocker asking who what where and why hasn't the epirb been activated if you have no proof it wasn't carrying one Time will tell
  12. edited..mod He may not have time to activate it and may be in no condition to activate it now If a wing came off like a witness said g forces alone would not have made it possible
  13. And so you should be Dazza Your the king of spellcheck And I'd be checking on your seamed, I may stand corrected but I'm sure it is seemed Hope the outcome of this is a good one but odds on probably not if the witness statement is correct about a wing coming off
  14. All depending on the weather for me as getting across the divide from East Gippsland will be a challenge The long range forecast is looking ordinary to say the least Lots of rocks and timber in those clouds in the divide
  15. Ok Geoff I rephrase it We as humans (some of us humans not here anymore due to whatever reason pursuing the lore of flight) Humans in general are the weakest link
  16. Nothing in aviation is immune from killing people Nothing!!!!!, we as aviators kill ourselves on a regular basis going by the records We are the weakest link in the pursuit of of our passion
  17. Travelled a number of times for work in the oil industry Never lost a thing as I only travelled with carry on Amazing how much you can fit in a small travel on case and back pack Slightly heavier than allowable mind you
  18. BB didn't tell the authorities because if he had the wouldn't have let him go And that is his words So he just left when he did Couple of my friends flew out with him first 20 miles and thought they would never see him again But low and behold he is still here
  19. Yes Bones A very sad loss with the passing of Ross I met him in person about 3 years back while passing through Townsville and found him as a genuine nice bloke Spoke to him many times after that on the phone Sorry that you only just found out about his passing
  20. People with a lot of experience should know that at a certain power setting in cruise with the normal attitude for level flight for an aircraft they are familiar with the cruise speed should be almost smack on even with the pitot blocked and airspeed not working Landing should not be an issue either as the approach attitude profile out the window looking at the runway should be within +- 5 knots if they are familiar with it clean or with flaps It does pay to absorb your surroundings ie attitudes of the aircraft in different stages of flight when you fly and not just sit there fat dumb and happy relying on your instruments solely
  21. Marty Came from the ruptured right wing tank I'm guessing after it hit the overhead traffic light after the powerlines Show pic of the plane in another report with a seriously damaged torn off wing almost
  22. Well done Tony Training pays off, you handled it well and have learnt from it I had a STING (Sh!t This Is Not Fun) moment back in October last year which eventually was diagnosed as carby ice Almost put down in a paddock from 2500 ft when it started before it cleared up, initially I thought I lost the tip of my prop the vibration was that bad Training a practice paid off for me in that event Certainly gets the adrenaline happening
  23. Good outcome in the end pilot and Pax ok
  24. At the end of the day it is a machine and we control it We are the weakest link and we are the ones that break them by our own hands Bit like a golf club, it will never hit a ball without a human input A nose wheel will only break by a ham fisted controller
  25. Yep 25 years on the road for me on a bike also Gareth Countless times I could have been cleaned up so gave it away and took up a sport that I have less traffic to deal with and have my life in my own hands 99% of the time until I reach the circuit when a larger % of others come in to play Don't miss the bikes these days
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