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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Machtuk, You GA or RAA or both.
  2. You also have to remember he won’t do it again, shame he took 8 others with him
  3. RIP Heroes of the sky. To pass in another country away from your loved ones fighting fires for us is the ultimate sacrifice to make. May your families know we Australians owe you the utmost respect and gratitude for what you have done for us and may you have clear sky’s and tailwinds forever. Our utmost sympathy to your loved ones in a far away land.
  4. Road tolls are worse. Just sayin. Hope the outcome is good but not sounding like it.
  5. Shame it doesn’t work like that at West Sale, we cannot even get off the ground when they are active
  6. Bad year for me only 72 hours this year, mind you I work away 6 months of the year and only get to fly on weekends when I’m home because of the RAAF being active week days. Also did a trip to the USA for 3 weeks and a 2 week tour of Tassie in the caravan so all is not lost, still averaging 100 a year since I started flying again 15 and a bit years ago.
  7. Nev, I’d say 5000 hours in a car would more likely be around 200,000 - 250,000 kms as cars idle at lights, do a lot of time at 40 & 60kph and not many do 100kph for the majority of their life.
  8. Ended up where it did because we are all human and not perfect, not one of us, only the pilot knows why he misjudged the force landing, at the end of the day he is alive and that’s all that matters for him and his passenger.
  9. Yes Bruce they are. But you get what you pay for i guess. yes a Rotax valve cost $240 bucks and a Jab one $40, but the Rotax one will do more or less 5,000 hours compared to 500 for the Jab.
  10. Skippy, Nope, only use avgas when I have no other option, to me oil is cheap and so are spark plugs. Can’t for the of life of me let the oil go to 100 hrs it is dirty enough a 50 in my book. plugs, I have let them go to about 150 on the odd occasion, I mean realistically you could probably get 300 or more out of them if you go by how many miles people do in cars in them. Each to our own I guess, I can afford it at this point in time. What I don’t agree on but abide by is the bullish!t hose change every 5 years, that is a con imo.
  11. Wirraway, Hard to get an approximate as I don’t really track the costs. Oil change and filter every 50 hours about $60, plugs every 100 about $55. Engine replacement at 2000 hours about $13 per hour put away every hour flown. 5 yearly hose replacement is about $1100 in parts including the fuel pump ( but you don’t get every hose you need from Rotax) L1 you can do it yourself or price would vary with different L2 maintainers. odds and sods with exhaust springs ect. i would say it costs me in the vicinity of about $50 per hour as I owe my plane outright that includes fuel. Hope this helps Alf
  12. Repeated incidents in the sausage factory, might start feeling it in his bank balance of rupees one day.
  13. Yes Turbs that is the one.
  14. KG, i seem to recall another flat spinning in at Stawell in Victoria, both survived but have long lasting injuries.
  15. X Navy pilot me thinks, carrier landing that one so just smack it on.
  16. Flyboy1960, Won’t matter how many training courses the regulators administer and make us do, it will not stop people from killing themselves in aircraft. As you would be aware no pilot has really invented a new way of dying in a plane. “We”as in us (pilots) are responsible for a safe passage from start to end of a flight and some of us are quite the contrary. The biggest issue I see is the majority of us always think it happens to someone else when I fact no one is immune and by the statistics it shows. How does one survive one asks? I Can’t answer for others but only can for me. Attitude has a lot to answer for, being aware that a simple mistake can be costly, flying as disciplined as you can, not allowing others to coax you in to a beat up, watching the weather and diverting to an alternate, subduing the urge to get there to your destination at all cost. There are hundreds of scenarios which you can overcome by being smart and decisive as long as you stick to them. Me my motto is, I have nothing to prove to anyone, it is my decisions that count , fly as professional and as disciplined as you can all the time and never stop learning. Me am I perfect? Far from it, difference is I accepted that and realise that it can happen to me if I become lazy, reckless, foolhardy and more
  17. Yenn, Check the gasket on the choke/enrichener, does upset the carbie if it has shrunk and is sucking air. I’m guessing your bing is the same as the bings used on the 912.
  18. Condolences to the families and friends of the lost aviators, terrible thing to happen at anytime of the year but awful this time of the year, that is a few for this year alone and the RAA was doing so well up until recently. Take care out there brothers and sisters.
  19. Foxbat one report was saying
  20. Something wrong obviously?
  21. Well shafs64, Some who do have them still fly around with the safety pin in them which you won’t get out when the fhit hits the san. The trike I sold to a bloke had a brs and he never deployed it as from what I am lead to believe it still had the pin in it. I told him when he brought it to ensure the chute is armed and ready to go each flight. He knew better I guess. Sad but true.
  22. I see your point Franco, no one intends to die unintentionally
  23. Spenaroo, 1 golden rule mate, if your engine fails shortly after takeoff , resist the urge to turn back to your comfort zone of the runway you just left, unless of course you have plenty of height. i can get my aircraft around in under 300ft which is and has been practiced many times, but I set a minimum of 700ft and drill it in to my head prior to every takeoff. Maj was a sticker for no turn backs but for reasons we will never know he attempted it and became another statistic in the long line of fatal accidents caused by turn backs. Alf
  24. Yes Jason I stand corrected it is 4 years, was thinking it was the same year the bloke I sold my trike too killed himself in it.
  25. Well today marks 5 years since some of us lost a great friend. Ross Millard (Maj) left us on this day in an unfortunate aviation accident helping out a friend. I miss him terribly even though I only met him once in person in his home town of Townsville. Many times over the phone we spoke forming a friendship before he left us. Wherever you are Maj, smooth skies and tailwinds buddy.
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