As many of you probably know I'm a student tried up with the RQAC collapse. As I'm self sponsored, I have just transferred to another school at YBAF.
The tricky part of moving to another school is the differing expectations. As I consider myself in no way knowledgeable or experienced in the flight training enterprise, I usually like to defer some complex decisions to the judgement of those who are more experienced.
At RQAC I initially signed up to go for a PPL with the option to keep going if time/situation permits later on. Therefore they put me on a course which skipped many of the RPL endorsements and just go for the PPL requirements. However, moving to the new school, this is not a recommended pathway. They recommend doing a RPL flight test and continuing on to PPL and beyond after that.
The issue for me is that I feel that if I complete some solo navigation exercises that I will have enough experience to proceed directly to a PPL flight test and exam. However, I'm concerned about pushing the envelope here as I do understand the motivation to be relaxed as possible during tests and having completed an RPL it makes sense that a flight examiner would be less likely to want to retest all the RPL requirements in a PPL flight test if the student has already passed the RPL.
My logbook currently has in it 39.4 hours of aeronautical experience, comprising of 24.4 hours of dual training area and circuit work, 10.9 hours dual nav, 4.1 hours solo (training area only) with 3.3 hours IF experience with 0.3 of that in flight. I was studying for the PPL exam just before RQAC stopped. I'm currently getting about 80-90% on the Bob Tait practice questions.
My question here is, what do others think? What would you do in my situation? Should I try and push for doing the PPL tests or do the RPL test then move straight on to the PPL tests.