Wot a stuffup, on the part of the pilot/ground crew.
Iv dun plenty of mustering across highways, and im always on uhf40 coz the rubbernecks and trucks are on same.
Wen you see traffic comen, warn your crew if you have any, the driver will usualy hear and respond without even talkn to them.
If you have no crew, try talkn to the driver, if theres no responce and its likely they are go,n to collide, buzz the basterd till he does.
And that time of day you see their lights comn for miles.
Visability in the air is much better than on the ground, specialy with the dust and on comen lights.
The truck had no chance, down hill, no warning and buggerall visability. ( the rate the comp break was slown him, id say it was an unladen train.)
The clown in the air is the one who should have called, and his crew,( FWs always need a crew) shoulda been on the road both sides.
Obviously not a cattleman run,n that show.
No wunder the rest of the population think we are just a bunch o whingers. :(