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Everything posted by OzBirdy

  1. After haveing more than one wack in the nads, im glad i was borne ' ball bearing' and not child bearing, coz if given birth is more painfull, i know id ever want anather one.
  2. Amazing. Scarey to think, there are pilots, with licenses, who fly machines capable of carrying more than just the pilot, who dont get it. How do you get a licence to opperate a passenger carrying aircraft, when you dont understand the simplest of phisics?
  3. Dumb question, but i spose you flow checked the filters?
  4. I know wot happened to your stinkn wet season Alan, it moved 1500 km south. :(
  5. We are just not as thin skined as the other prescious little princesses.
  6. Did i even hint that it shouldnt be respected? Sum dont always have the luxury of opting out if the conditions get nasty. Rotors give you more options.
  7. 600kg, geez, your ARE a big lad. ;) The good thing bout rotors is, no matter the AUW, the wing loading is still high. You can have a sub 250kg AUW machine and still go chasen wirlywinds. :)
  8. Fly an appropriate machine and the eliments are not an issue. General ruel of thumb, the higher the wing loading, the more control authority. Rotors ruel in bad air.
  9. WTF, now theyv gon?
  10. yes, it is a dumb question, coz you cant get an inteligent question from a dumb dinosor computer puncher. In the top right corner, theres a few numbers that keep changing. Messages, im gessing, is the number of times iv posted. Likes, wots that all about? Points? How did i get 3 and wot do i get wen i hit 10?
  11. A working heli is only expencive if the machine is not much more effective than the next best option, or the pilot runs a root.
  12. The value of a heli is dependent on its use. It can be a very expencive toy, or the same machine can be a very cost effective tool.
  13. Ditto on that, baldies rearly get hit. I hit one near boulia a couple months ago, ( african american type) didnt see a damn thing, just felt it kamakzi into the trailer at full klick.
  14. Pretty much spoton Geoff. Only i thought it sounded like an empty train by the comp break sound. Absolutly nuthn he could have dun better. Once he saw what bout to happen, just keep it streight. And ol mate in the bunk woke up in a hurry. ;) Wen your on low beam and theres anatha car comen, even if he,s on low beam, you still dont see sh1t, unless you see the shadows run across his lights. But the truck wouldnt have seen shadows coz he,s too high. Just like flying, you cant miss wot you cant see.
  15. It dont make any difference why the weaners were gallopn across the road that time of day. Late start with the job, balls up by pilot or crew, they just blew out of a yard, tryn to do too much in one day, retreaving them out of a fenced road,... sh1t happens on a dayly basis in agriculture, but the simple fact they were pushn cattle over a public HW without any regard for the consquences of traffic is irrisponsable. Whoever was responsable needs his ass kicked.
  16. How dose the Cicare ch-7 compare to a mozzy or helicycle, $ wise?
  17. Wot a stuffup, on the part of the pilot/ground crew. Iv dun plenty of mustering across highways, and im always on uhf40 coz the rubbernecks and trucks are on same. Wen you see traffic comen, warn your crew if you have any, the driver will usualy hear and respond without even talkn to them. If you have no crew, try talkn to the driver, if theres no responce and its likely they are go,n to collide, buzz the basterd till he does. And that time of day you see their lights comn for miles. Visability in the air is much better than on the ground, specialy with the dust and on comen lights. The truck had no chance, down hill, no warning and buggerall visability. ( the rate the comp break was slown him, id say it was an unladen train.) The clown in the air is the one who should have called, and his crew,( FWs always need a crew) shoulda been on the road both sides. Obviously not a cattleman run,n that show. No wunder the rest of the population think we are just a bunch o whingers. :(
  18. Cht/ coolant temps, the cooler the better. Aircooled barrels means you dont need bother with coolant thermostats. Cooler is better efficiancy. Just be sure you keep the oil temp regulated.
  19. Sounds like the one UL, alu tube with carb ports and free air and heated air inlets with butterflies. Just wundered if its needed to duct the heated air wen the free air is already heated by the warm alu body? For my experiance with making heaters on 2strokes, 912s and even soobs, it dont take much heat to prevent ice. Most of you FWers have your 900 series rotaxs compleatly coweled, so its already sucking heated air.
  20. "Just wundern, dose anyone here use the 912 rotax induction manifold?" Apparently not.
  21. And you gota take promotional claims with a hearty dose of salt. That link you put up states, fuel capacity as 90L A t6 turbine derated to 90hp burns 1LPM ( that M represents a minute, not a mile), so one gouverned to 130hp wont give you anything near the claimed 600km range. If they fiddled those numbers, wot other claims are accurate?
  22. No scotsman, no RPL in oz for helis. You can do wot you like in a gyro, even carry passengers, but soons you put power to the rotor, apparently you need to be a rocket pilot, even it only has one seat. I looked into the mozzy ave8t, but i think they only come with either a 2banger or a turbine. 2bangers are very finiky and not well suited to heli instalations and the other drinks too much kero. And iv not heard much positive said bout the rotorway. It wouldnt supprise me if NZ had an UL heli endorsment, they are usualy 100 years ahead of this over regulated nanny country.
  23. On the subject of carb ice, iv had it a few times, on different units, but always use heat now. Cant affort to turn it off coz if i get ice, iv no time for activating a heater then waiting for it to clear at 100' or less. Used to run the skydrive heaters on the 912, never had any ice in 1200 hours of all kinds of air. Just wundern, dose anyone here use the 912 rotax induction manifold? I dout ill need a heater with this gadget coz its down wind of the barrels and is always warm. Any thoughts?
  24. Wots RPL?....
  25. If you know how to Nev, send me a pm, iv sum info you may be interested in.
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