I bought a Savannah Xl one month ago and I am very happy with it unless for the nose wheel vibration (I posted it in this forum).
I never had a STOL plane before, I flew a Tecnam Sierra for 5 years and a Cirrus SR-20 for 7 years. Now I have to learn to fly slower and sometimes it is not easy, I made 4 hours with an instructor, the speed approach I used it is about 50-55 mph and in the threshold I try to reduce to 45 mph. My instructor landed the plane with the nose very high holding the stick in the chest to settle the nose wheel very slow, this look like a perfect landing but I felt with this way it is very easy to make a balloon in the runway and I can´t even see the runway , I am used to land more plane and not to hold back the stick so aggressively. I noticed too if I approach hight it is not easy to get the correct path with full flaps neither with a slide, I feel the plane float a lot, maybe I am used to a airplane like the Cirrus with very effective flaps and very heavy, and it makes very easy to low descend very quickly.
¿Is this way and the speed I use the best way to land the Savannah? In the manual I saw with full flaps you can approach slower (40 Mph) but I think it is very slow speed and I would feel uncomfortable flying at this speed.
Could you tell me what´s the best way to land the Savannah to take advantage its STOL capacity .
I think I land quicker than I should and maybe I use a wrong technique because sometimes in sand runways the plane skid when I put the brakes an it could be dangerous.
I think I must get used to fly a Stol plane and to practique more the slow flight because when you come from quicker aircrafts it is not easy to fly so slow.