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Everything posted by peter2480

  1. Selector switch shows VHF1, VHF2 and HF. RH knobs are squelch. No idea what the 2 toggles are.
  2. Using the rudder to pick up the rudder to pick up the wing on alternate sides is stopping an incipient spin keeping kinetic energy to a minimum. As the wing is effectively stalled there will not be much forward momentum involved.
  3. With reviewing aircraft passage agree you are right onetrack. Too much forward momentum to resemble a 'falling leaf' incipient spin oscillation.
  4. Have a very good look at that video. Some day that approach could prove to be a wild card. Not dissimilar to what the military refer to as 'falling leaf' technique - designed to reduce the kinetic energy to be dissipated even below the designated stall speed.
  5. Who the hell wants to be above 500' AGL anyway. Way too cold!!
  6. With that much drugs do you need any fuel?
  7. AJ I'm impressed by number of hours in Trike. Must have some serious biceps/triceps. Any long-distance XCountry adventures.
  8. Perhaps. But there is a difference between improving depth of knowledge and instrument training. There is a centre to the problem but additional learning is probably not it.
  9. Just to refresh - this thread was commenced wrt a GA aircraft, correct. And no I am not suggesting flying RAA-AUS in IMC, nor am I suggesting that those who are not trained and proficient and current should fly in IMC. The process of attaining an IFR rating is the bit that many pilots could find invaluable - Bob Tait has a great set of study books and after all it is not rocket science - just commitment to further education, particularly Met. Funny thing though, attempt at humour after such an incident gives a bit of a sour taste don't you think.
  10. That's exactly right Ian.. Its all about 'headspace'.
  11. Train for IFR rating. It will make any pilot a significantly more proficient pilot with more confidence to make critical decisions at the best time. Will this prevent this type of incident? Almost certainly not. No system is bulletproof.
  12. I am planning a trip from Jandakot to East Coast. Any suggestions as to most desirable/interesting stop-overs
  13. Roxy, I have recently become keenly interested in Zen 601 and 701. Are you still in Ballina area. I am close by in Lismore area. Peter
  14. Roxy, I have recently become keenly interested in Zen 601 and 701. Are you still in Ballina area. I am close by in Lismore area. Peter
  15. I would like to own A CGS Hawk Hi Wayne, just joined the group recently. I have been following CGS Hawk forums from the States for a while now. I have only seen 1 or 2 for sale over the last year or so. I am keen to see one in the flesh and am curently thinking about the possibility of going over to the States about this time next year to visit OSHKOSH and buy a new kit. Gives me something to dream and ponder over. I particularly like the Hawk Plus Single seat. Peter
  16. New kid on the street. Flying since 1980. Initially GA licence. The in 1990 Ultralight licence on Drifter. Renewed GA licence in 2003 and obtained Instrument rating. Now principally using 172XP for angelflights and hiring Drifter for local casual flying. Have long been interested in a CGS Hawk and am now more seriously considering buying one from the US. Don't seem to see too many of these in Oz. My focus seems to be returning to RAA as difficult to justify GA for the Sat evening 'let's go flying tomorrow morning' impulse - that's not to say that my 172XP is not very cost effective but I don't get the same thrill that I get in a Drifter - the rewards are differently placed in the 172. Hope to contact others that may have experience with CGS hawks esp Hawk Plus. Cheers for now. Peter
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