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  1. The thing with Jabiru engines Is doubling the amount of them fitted probably halves the likelihood of someone buying😁
  2. I agree they were as bad as every USA administration I can remember. Thanks for illustrating Skippy's point on how we got to this awfull situation.
  3. Have you got hold of the wrong end of the stick there matey? (I mean regarding what TDS is supposed to mean)
  4. In my opinion TDS is a rather childish put down term directed towards people rightly concerned that a nutcase has been given perhaps the most powerfull position in the world. The term is almost always used by those who agree with some of Trump's behaviour. Perhaps you could elaborate on your position in more detail than simply throwing out the TDS insult?
  5. Yea I was also confused, then noticed Skippy's statement following those points... "The last three are demonstrably in the best interests of the nation as a whole, being an investment in the populations current & future well-being and competitiveness." . .... agree completely with Skippy's thoughts on how despotes can get into power, it takes a very messed up population to actually believe in and vote for such a blatantly sick individual as Trump.
  6. Need to deal with these Drug sales bots somehow. Odd that it only seems to affect the Aus/NZ discussion part of the site, makes it feel like targetting
  7. Yea, I don't use that site, but point taken
  8. Pretty much the same proportion still havn't woken up to the fact their guy is taking them for a ride so looks like those millions were and remain extremely poor judges of whats the lesser of 2 evils. Zero sympathy for them
  9. Good for you, I have been trying to eliminate my contributions to that country's economy too. It's not just Trump, I know some good people in America but 49% of the US population still support the scumbag
  10. Short video of the wreck being retrieved from the roof. https://www.fire.nsw.gov.au/incident.php?record=recQn0hkFgTcgnsKt Looks like lower rear fuselage impacted just behind the cabin into the the top edge of the hanger likely stalled, and then just flopped onto the roof
  11. Haven't seen this in the wild for years now. I doubt there are many with the problem still out there as it usually became apparent at fairly modest hours.
  12. I think theres only maybe 3 Ladies here, if you include me. Don't you lot just use chatGPT to write your thesis these days?
  13. Could you post a link to the article please?
  14. The thread isnt about you I'm sure a few extra strokes of the keyboard using google by your good self might give you the answers to simple things like aviation acronyms.
  15. Thruster88, Would have been nice if he had approached his neighbour to inform him of his intention to land over their house Following the law and being a good neighbor are often not the same thing.
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