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Everything posted by Red

  1. I think theres only maybe 3 Ladies here, if you include me. Don't you lot just use chatGPT to write your thesis these days?
  2. Could you post a link to the article please?
  3. The thread isnt about you I'm sure a few extra strokes of the keyboard using google by your good self might give you the answers to simple things like aviation acronyms.
  4. Thruster88, Would have been nice if he had approached his neighbour to inform him of his intention to land over their house Following the law and being a good neighbor are often not the same thing.
  5. A Wirraway used for top dressing? I suppose fuel must have been cheap then? did it have some sort of hopper/chute fitted SS?
  6. Alpi Pioneers also have a hydraulic park brake, I've known them lose pressure over time, overnight for instance I wouldnt trust them. I uess they are an easy way to enable a park brake if the brake lines pass close to hand as its basically just closing a valve. The Skyranger series just has a hole in the brake lever to stick a pin through thus holding the hand lever in braked position.
  7. Listen to Skippy here. Set max at 5200 tied down and prop full fine, if you set 5800 tied down as you stated then full fine in flight will allow an overspeed
  8. Does the aircraft have a MAP gauge? (Yes I realise its not a constant speed prop)
  9. Some Pics of a real XP72
  10. I have no idea if its a factor here, but talking to a few American pilots in the last few years who seem to go from training for PPL, through to Getting an instructor ticket and on to corporate jets in 2-3 years and always sound very sure of themselves. Loads of confidence with not loads of experience, I sometimes get a shiver down the spine listening to them.
  11. Does completing the Floods course allow the owner to complete and sign off work he would not otherwise be authorized for?
  12. As usual In your haste to explain basic principle You are avoiding the point, Jabiru have the offset towards the opposite side of the piston than that which convention states. Which might explain why this Jab has them rotated 180 degrees in the bore in hope of correcting this. None of this is connected to the problem in hand though, which is likely in large part due to the increased oil jet that the OP has found
  13. Some say that the way the piston is installed as standard in Jabs is actually incorrect as it offsets the gudgeon pin to the wrong side, so there is is some logic in rotating them 180 degrees TBH Jabirus have gone through so many changes, some seemingly undocumented and also been subject to a multitude of 3rd party mods to supposedly fix things I reckon it would be a hard job to find 2 Identical in service engines. edit just read Thruster already mentioned the offset, its odd, but Jabiru has never explained
  14. P.S. IME, as you already suggested in your first post, I'd agree that this sort of symptom is more likely an indication problem rather than the pump itself
  15. Not sure what Instrument you are reading pressure on, but have you noticed voltage when it happens?, I always find it handy to fit a video camera pointed at my panel when flight testing such things
  16. Onetrack, yea I think he is right about it being a store reference and the whole aircraft serial thing I wondered about is probably be is a red herring..sorry Cyrano I do notice that all the ones Ive seen of that type have "43" after the "/" maybe thats the generic type reference
  17. Check grounding and all connections of sender, if you haven't already
  18. Aah now that actually seems more likely don't know why I read them as 4s.....K7775 was a vickers Wellesley of 47 sqdn based Eritrea. One Wellesley did make a record breaking non stop flight from the middle East to Australia but I don't know what actual airframe.
  19. K4445 was an RAF 33 squadron Hawker Hart, but AFAIK, that type of altimeter wasnt in use when Harts were in service, unless perhaps that particular Hart soldiered on into ww2 as a general hack or something and go some instrument refits???
  20. "Stakeholder", is just one of those cover-all terms that basically means anyone who has an interest in or is a user of the service/operation/investment etc. It's deliberately vague business/organisation speak
  21. It's a very informative site, even if you don't fly a Kitfox there is a depth of knowledge re the lighter side of things particularly the engines that most of us use that make it worth joining
  22. I havnt got the time to filter through the rubbish, I just dont read them, nice back hander btw🤣
  23. You read the comments on youtube videos?
  24. I don't think UNSW are aiming at the one foot in the grave market
  25. There are always people who believe Legal = Safe and Illegal = Dangerous .....in absolute terms. Despite what those who fly desks will tell you, pieces of paper dont make anything work
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