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Everything posted by Red

  1. Whats the problem? , the hangers are about as tall anyway. The only problem there is the Strips have some nasty sunken spots, its far from smooth, the wind turbine is no problem either. P.S. I must admit the turbines at Caernavon are a bit spooky first time you go there
  2. Yes I've seen that onetrack and notably my throttle is a plunger type placed away from the trim lever so the main apparent reason for that incident will not get me Thanks for the Reply.
  3. Sold my Skyranger and bought an Easy Raider which as far as I can work out is the UK version of the Skyraider II. Information on these aeroplanes seems very thin on the Ground, any owners on here? I would love to here any info or stories you have I'm enjoying learning to get to grips with mine.
  4. Actually they DON'T make ALL the parts available unless you are rotax approved. ☢
  5. I had a D2 for 3 years, the first one had a faulty sensor, it was replaced under warranty after a lot of to and froing, the replacement worked, but the screen was not readable in bright whiteout type conditions, you know when there is low sun and poor viz with little to no horizon, somehow I never trusted it and I wouldnt buy anything from Dynon again they seem to be happy to blame problems on the user
  6. Hello, I fly a Skyranger Classic from a farm strip near Abergavenny, Been flying Microlights about 5 years so still wet behind the ears relatively speaking, but I fly as often as possible and love it. Unlikely I'll get to meet any of you in person, but I extend a virtual handshake and wish you all calm skies and safe journies Russell
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