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Everything posted by MikeBravoYanky

  1. They are court recordings and the transcripts..
  2. It's not an allegation.. It's the truth.. only that's not 1/10th of what I could say.. all supported by written/recorded evidence.. but maybe here is not the place to go into it. One thing however for every ones interest, since 1995 neither CASA or any government agency can charge any person involved in a sport or recreational activity with endangering themselves. In my case it was a serious corruption of the meaning of the Act, having discovered I was not in breach of any regulation (supporting reckless disregard of regulations) for CASA lawyers to 'change the basis' of the charge to 'reckless endangering myself'.. You can read it for yourself at CAA 20A(1),(2).. You have to break the grammar to change "person or property of another person" to "person, (namely yourself) or property of another person." which is exactly how CASA lawyers worded it on the charge sheet.
  3. For what its worth here is my 2 bob's worth.. I am 'trying' to go from PPL to RAA.. to fly my newly acquired Jab Supa Pup.. I had a ground loop accident in my experimental McCulloch/Aero Resources Super J2 gyroplane in 2010.. doing a test run essentially to check rotor damper adjustment prior to the test pilot taking it for first flight (CASA requirement). The J2 lifted one wheel and ground looped after cutting power in my attempts to keep it on the ground. In Nov 2011.. 18 months after I was charged with 'reckless operation' (endangering myself..!) and 'forgery of a Maintenance Release' (forgery of a signature - It was actually a printed reference in block letters!).. Long story.. two court cases later.. I won the case against reckless operation. In late 2015 CASA informed me they were going to 'review' my PPL.. (on the basis of being reckless and further endangering others- no witness ever said that I was reckless or endangered anyone else.!) I could request a 'show cause' hearing.. which I did and after sending my written submission it was heard on 17 Sep 2015.. At that hearing I pointed out the sub clause CAR 269(1A) which precludes suspension for any violation of the Act or Regulations if not proven in court. Their lawyer agreed. CASA have not responded yet.. and until they do I cannot honestly answer the last question on the application to join RAAus..
  4. I have just got one for my Jab Supa Pup.. for the purpose of transfer of registration.. not certifying its airworthiness. That is what I understood it was for..
  5. I just bought a Jab Supa Pup.. very similar to the RANs but it has folding wings..
  6. I want to contact Rob Petroni..
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