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Everything posted by Kamloops

  1. Sorry I have been MIA for so long. I took myself to court for sexually harassing myself. ☺
  2. Lots of helicopters have wheels instead of skids.....and do have brakes. ☺
  3. I change the oil im my plane every 50 hours approximately. Versus my vehi les that an easily accumulate 300 to 400 hours between changes? I see no reason why I would ever get my oil tested. But for some it may make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  4. Thanks for such a great post! Merry Christmas ☺
  5. I maybe in the minority here....but would be glad to have one if somebody gave it to me.
  6. Welcome Tim.
  7. Welcome. The 1 thing I wish i was told. ...Don't believe more than 1% of what your ex GF tells you in the year 2015.
  8. When I was in Hawaii I did the tour. What a horrible tragedy. Honestly impressed that the USA did not go to Japan after that and drop 500 nuclear bombs. The restraint shown to drop just the 1 was amazing. That attack showed the cowardice and pure lack of morals the japanese had.
  9. Merry Christmas!
  10. I actually refuse to take anyone flying who doesn't tell me their weight. If its obvious they are lying, they don't get on. Had a woman obviously 300 lbs plus, try and tell me she was 180....lol
  11. Thanks for reminding me Contact. ...I had tried to forget that fkr 5 minutes....lol Respect....it is respect.....You better respect the machine and mother nature. You are merely the pilot. Think you are so damn good of a helo pilot that you cannot crash. Then you will. I have met cocky pilots in the past. They are now 6 feet under. I know I am a mere 190 pounds of insignificant nothing. The weather and the machine, are way more powerful than me.
  12. All those who said money....lots and lots of money are correct!
  13. What is vx in knots for that table? ☺
  14. For any one that maybe misunderstood the intent of my post was to be fun and poke fun at myself. Not belittle anyone. I could use some make up on this ugly face.
  15. That poor owner number 21.....
  16. I to want a male pilot only tab. And they better sell stuff to make me look and smell better. And sell it in bulk....I need it in bulk ☺
  17. You would be shocked at how few twin engine pilots practice true engine out work....from go arounds to stalls etc. Or could even recite by memory what to do if they have an in flight fire, or many other basic items. Some don't even know the best glide speed for their plane. They never discuss prior to take off with their passengers what to do incase of a crash. The level of current training most do at least here locally is pathetic. So it sure is not surprising they are clueless what to do when the prop stops at 100 feet agl....many won't react well at 3000 agl.
  18. 1 nautical mile is 1.852 kms.
  19. Nothing says that anyone can for sure make it back to the runway in a crappy glider, which is what a powered plane is once the engine or engines stop. Height is sure no guarantee. Be it 500' or 1500'. If there is any doubt is it worth the risk to try. ??? It has to be a personal choice. And you better hope that runway is clear when you get back to it if that is your choice. I've never had to make that choice. But think I would likely be looking for a field or some alternative closer to the line of my flight path.
  20. Here in Canada we are sort of on the Metric system. But I and many others still use inches, feet, pounds etc. Temperature is about all i like to see in metric.
  21. Dutchroll, I am late posting it, but here is the story link I thought I posted before. It is just one example of many hundreds where a stall in regular flight is met by pulling nose up.....until the crash....instead of pitching nose down to regain airspeed and fly away safley. http://www.flyingmag.com/news/air-france-447-stalled-high-altitude-official-bea-report-confirms
  22. Some odd things get said to me. That was just one. I was also asked recently why I am so damn paranoid that I carry a portable radio. I think it is just being prepared....not paranoia.
  23. In a perfect world we would all have speed brakes on our planes....but the world is not perfect.
  24. This is a Cessna 182 conversion to floats.
  25. Dutchroll, I thought I had posted the link to the Air France Heavy that stalled at well over flight level 300, and yet despite the captain and 2 copilots in the cockpit, and stall warning horns blaring, and stick shakers. They kept pulling back, when they just had to ease the nose down. When i get home later today I will google the crash report and repost the link. Those were the 3 morons I was referring to.
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