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Everything posted by Kamloops

  1. Welcome to the forum Debbie.
  2. Welcome to the forum.
  3. I too always closely look for other aircraft in the pattern. And I will always give a plane in the pattern the right of way over me safely sitting on the ground. What if that plane suddenly has an emergency like losing and engine and has to keep it in tight....meanwhile I am just back tracking and now in the way of their emergency. I would not care if i was in a G650 and the plane in the pattern was a cub....I would still wait for them....but maybe that is just me.
  4. Before entering the runway I call and ask if any traffic is in the area.....my choice to do so. The guy coukd easily have called you and extended his downwind....or after having turned final he couod have called a miss and gone around. But I am also wondering what you were doing for that long on the runway. You maybe pissed at me for saying this.....but get going man. Its the active runway, not the ramp. Sounds like you weren't properly prepared to take off before entering the active....and must taxi the back track slower than a granny with a walk could walk it. My last backtrack I doubt lasted more than 15 seconds.....say another 5 seconds to turn and line up....call my intent and firewall it.......well under 30 seconds total. My last actual runsay take off I didn't even bother to back track as i had from the intersection about 4100 feet....which is vastly more than required. My home strip is only 2700 feet of grass in total.....so 4100 of pavement seeems very long to me. To back track the other 3000 to me is ludicrous. I do backtrack completely a strip i fly into a lot....but its 1800 feet total is damn tight as it is. So yes there i back track. But never ever ever would consider rolling onto the active without asking about traffic in the area or in the pattern itself.....and calling my intent. And i monitor the frequency righteous from after engine start up and turning the radio on....and through the run up on the ramp etc. I realize my seneca may taxi faster than your plane....but still not that fast. And I also frown on runway run ups....I've seen people do them,and just shakemy head. Its a runway after all.....not a runup way. If it was your own private airstrip that is differentof course.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Like you i am new here....and a Helicopter pilot. I fly both rotary and fixed wing. Helicopters for work, and a fixed wing piper seneca to travel for business. Looking to replace the seneca soon though.
  6. Poor judgment is something I think most of us exercise from time to time. I know that I am guilty of having done so more than once. Yes the pilot made bad choices....and maybe 1000 times before he had gotten away with the bad choices he made. The only one who could truly tell us what was going on in his thought process died, along with his passengers I feel sadness for. The best we can hope for from reading about these crashes is that we recognize we all have made bad choices. .....us still alive survived our poor choices. ....and hopefully we make less poor choices in the future by reading about the possible outcome of doing stupid things. I fly a lot, and there is no such thing as a risk free flight. They are all potentially dangerous. But using our brains can significantly lower that risk!
  7. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
  8. The engine is plagued with problems, and Cessna has killed this project. They are returning the turbocharged gas 540 engine to the line up soon though. So for those who want a 182, but a Turbo 182 instead of the naturally aspirated model....this is good news.
  9. It was thankfully not very full. The seating arrangements can vary, but still it is capable of carrying far more passengers than that.
  10. Thanks very much Mike.
  11. Cooperplace, I always felt the same way as you. They are idiots.....not heros.
  12. I am curious, does this forum have a section by aircraft make and or model? I don't see any, but am bad at finding stuff online.
  13. Hello cooperplace. That is a great story. ...thanks for sharing.
  14. Hello Eightyknots. Yes we do get cold in winter. Some snow, and ice on the ponds. The local lakes and rivers do not freeze though. They have enough current I guess to avoid freezing.
  15. Thanks for letting me know Harry80.
  16. Pmccarthy they no longer have the annual airshow here sadly.
  17. Oh and if i do....and once I have used them a while, I will do a review write up.
  18. Thanks for the reply guys. I have Bose noise cancelation headsets now. I would leave those in the other seats for passengers, and just get myself a wireless set. I think I may gamble and when they are ready to be shipped just get a set.
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. When I do come down I will fly there on a commercial airline. So may look into renting a plane for a bit to fly around and see some of it. This winter is Central America. Next winter is Chile and much more of South America. So maybe I should plan to head there in 3 winters from now.....or I guess 3 summers from now since it would be summer there when I go.
  20. Does anyone have experience using these? How clear are they? Is the noise cancelation good? I am think of getting a set as I hate the wires. Thanks. http://www.lightspeedaviation.com/Tango/subgrouping.htm?cat=35717
  21. It does get cold in the winter, but hot as heck in the summer. I specifically moved to Kamloops because it is warm and dry. This area is semi arid desert and ranges from a low of about -15c for a few days in the winter, up to plus 42c for weeks in the summer, and lots of blue sky and sunshine. The climate in Kamloops is some of the mildest you will anywhere in Canada.
  22. Wow sounds like a great trip. You were not far from me then.....Vancouver is about 3.5 hours drive.
  23. Thanks for sharing that. Yes it is nice here. I like traveling and seeing new things. Did you get to BC?
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