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Brendon Lovell

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Everything posted by Brendon Lovell

  1. Hi guys, Our syndicate is chasing a muffler can for our Jabiru 3300 SP6. The style of muffler is the one you can see in the pic. If you have one you’re looking at off loading, please let me know 👍👍👍 Email me on [email protected] if you have anything 🙂 Thanks in advance, Brendon Lovell
  2. Hi all. Can an L1 maintainer, maintain a non factory built RAAus aircraft? Eg, an SP series Jabiru? Can’t seem to find a straight answer anywhere. Thanks in advance, Brendon
  3. Hi Murray. 2 previous owners prior to myself. If you’d like names of previous owners, maybe you could contact me on 0432 878 852, rather than me posting their names on the forum. No incidents that I know of. This aircraft was factory built in 1999. Re the spare engine. It has been sitting sealed in the box since I acquired it from the previous owner and is about 10 years old I believe. Here are some pics. Brendon.
  4. Gday Murray. 413hrs on engine and airframe. Engine was rebuilt 30hrs ago. It comes with a spare brand new rotax 447. Looking for around 13k. Happy to negotiate.
  5. Hi Spacesailor, Correction. 100kg max. Minimum 71kg
  6. Powered by a rotax 447. It was manufactured in 1999. It also comes with a spare brand new rotax 447.
  7. Hi spacesailor, 105kg.
  8. HI all, If anyone is interested in purchasing an LSA Sapphire Mk2, let me know, as I have one for sale. Selling due to upgrading to something a bit bigger with 2 seats so the family can enjoy the fun.
  9. Hey Mark, I have an LSA Mk2 Sapphire for sale if you're still searching for one? It also comes with a spare rotax 447. Cheers, Brendon
  10. Hi Jon, How’d you go? Did you get your hands on a late model sapphire mk 2? I’ve got one for sale currently.
  11. Hi Jon, A very old thread. But how did you go getting some info on the sapphire?
  12. Hi Revel, Where abouts are you located? I own a 1999 Sapphire mk2 and the aircraft is located in Ararat, Victoria. Happy for you to come and have a chat about it if it’s not too far for you? Brendon.
  13. The test flight went great! But to be honest, I only got a short video of the take-off. My brother got more photos on his camera. I will chase some up :)
  14. Hi Bruce. Sorry for the late reply. In regards to gliding, this is how I got onto flying. I've been gliding for about 6 years. My late grandfather used to own a sapphire, and this one come up for sale so that's why I bought it. Test flight went great. Just finishing off my RPL on Ballarat at the moment.
  15. G'day all. I own a sapphire and it's located in Ararat, Victoria. I am yet to fly it as I haven't quite finished my training. I am chasing someone with sapphire experience to test fly it. It hasnt flown since 2008. It has recently been re registered and fully checked out and signed off by an L2. If interested, send me an email to [email protected]
  16. Yeah good point. I will see what I can find. What's the rate per hour through you?
  17. I've recently bought a sapphire and am now seeking some tail dragger time and the endorsement
  18. Hi all. Just wondering if anyone knows of anybody that does RA aus tail wheel endorsements around the Ballarat area? Cheers Brendon
  19. Cheers Pete. Thanks for that!! Regards Brendon
  20. Hey all. I'm chasing someone with a level 2 maintenance rating to do a weight and balance and a condition report on my sapphire. It is hangered in Ararat, Vic. The guy I had lined up to do it has gone overseas for a few months and I kinda wanna get it all signed off as soon as possible. If anyone can help out, let me know :) I'm obviously happy to cover travel costs and whatever else. Regards Brendon
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