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Everything posted by nomis

  1. I need to decide on whether I want to build a 2 piece or 1 piece spar for the Starlet . Build space is not a problem. Just wondering why others chose the spar type they did. Thanks in advance.
  2. Used to drive N22 ATO. Mainly flew Abalone and Crays but also did a bit of throwing guys/girls out the side at Pakenham. Found all jumpers great fun but insane. Nomads were great fun for watching the world go by. Just dont cover them in ice. Can remember lusting over the Twotter at Corowa and had a ball goin for a spin in the Shorts Skyvan that flew up there one year
  3. ozzie, is that the N22 from Sydney Skydivers? At 140 odd kts you would have had plenty of time to survey the coutryside.
  4. Anchorage Another Great place for GA and Rec flying is Anchorage
  5. Darren, took that one over the East China sea on the 18th july. A 777.
  6. Nice day at FL380
  7. Thanks for info Yenn. I will ring the RAA later this week. I will also try a phone number I found in an old SAAA mag. Pays to never throw them out till your sure you wont need them. I will no doubt have a fews questions for people here when I get started.
  8. Does anyone know if Corby Starlet plans are still sold by John Corby in Aus, or do I get them from the C.S.N lakeland Florida mob. Thanks for any info. Finally have the time and the money so I had better make a start.
  9. Think you lot are confusing looking out for listenening out. Would rather fly near someone that can look out the window with no radio than someone that thinks a CAA/CASA/ICAO style radio call is the sign of airmanship
  10. Deskpilot, Don't know if he is still with us but there was a wyvern pilot based at Merimbula in the Nineties. Don was a Kiwi, flew Tempests during the war, test flew after mainly with Bristol and ended up a Classic Jumbo skipper with Singapore. He was semi retired, fishspotting and flying joyrides in a cessna in 95. Full of great stories. Can't remember his surname. Wall full of photos one of which was him in the wyvern. Bristol joined with Armstrong Siddeley which made the Python turboprop engine that powered some of the aircraft. Think that was how he came to fly it. If he is still around he would prob have the infomation you require. Myself, I am going to build a WAR FW190. Last year on a Frankfurt trip a mate and I drove 3.5 hrs down to the FlugWerks factory where they are building real/replica 190's. Fantastic, seemed very friendly. Only the 600,000 odd euros stopped me buying one.
  11. Chris, Good to hear it is all coming together. Each mistake you have made would have also been made by everyone thats learnt to fly. Once watched a 767 in Taipie fly 3 missed approaches during someones base training, so its done at every level. Just the cost that changes. Do you know if the Bantam is up and running as yet. I also intend having a go of the Tecnam out at Lethbridge during May.Should get you formation endorsed after you have finished your training, we used to do quite a bit of it down that way. Great fun. I work a trip down to Melbourne on the 2nd, only have an incheon and Manila then hols for three weeks. Intend to fly lighties as much as I can whilst down there. Say hello to Kirsty and the Boys. Cheers, Simon
  12. nomis


    Chris, I am more of a reader than poster, been following this one for a while now.Just been to Taipei and back, always good fun. The Barwon heads location and gazelle were a dead give away. Half the fun of a Forum is trying to put posts to faces. Cheers Simon
  13. nomis


    Chris, Hello from Hong Kong. Good to hear the Gazelle is back in the air. Will have a fly when back in May. Hope Kirsty and the boys are well. Simon
  14. nomis


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