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Cal Air 63

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Everything posted by Cal Air 63

  1. Some more Solo Depart & Rejoin Circuits training today, sure was a corker of a day for flying, virtually no wind, after today's effort I have now clocked up 2 hours of solo flight A snippet of today's flight, https://youtu.be/MfqXmVoZaIE
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  2. Hi All, another lesson completed on Friday, it was about learning how to depart and rejoin the circuit, so Peter and I would depart from Redcliffe, head over to Beachmere then turned back towards Redcliffe Peter and I completed 2 Depart & Rejoin Circuits then we landed, Peter jumped out and then it was my turn to complete one, Solo! Brent ?
  3. Hi All, another lesson completed on Friday at Redcliffe (YRED), weather conditions were just about perfect, so I completed my second Solo, ended up completing 3 touch n go's and 3 go-arounds, and 1 full stop! Brent ? Sorry, I forgot to turn on the external mic again, a snippet of my flight below,
  4. Hi All, After a hiatus of 2 months due to work and a overseas holiday, i was back at YRED for some more flying, had 2 lessons today, the first being a little jaunt up to the training area at Bribie Island for some refresher of the basics, the second flight was back at YRED for some more circuit training, had a small crosswind, but thankfully no rain, a great couple of hours flying, it was nice to back in the left seat again! Brent ? PS: almost forgot, I passed the Pre-Certificate Air Legislation Exam as well, A little snippet of the first flight,
  5. Welcome ?
  6. Hi All, Back at Redcliffe (YRED) for some more flying, the plan was to try and get in some more solo time, but the crosswind conditions today were a little bit tough for newbie like me so Pete had me working on how to handle the circuits with crosswind landings, had to admit, I was very knack-ed after today's effort. Brent Notam: Radio / Video Comms back up and running, here are some of my landings,
  7. Hi All, Back at Redcliffe (YRED) for some more flying, lesson today was Circuits & Emergencies, firstly we had an errand to do, we flew over to Caboolture (YCAB) to pick up a part for the school's mechanic then jump in to some circuits & emergency situations there, however the weather turned on us so we flew back to Redcliffe and finished the lesson there, as usual the lesson was a hoot, did my first short field takeoff, some simulated engine failure landings and tried my hand at some short field landings Brent Notam: I appoligize for the lack of Radio Comms, I had forget to turn the Camera's Mic setting to external, a little snippet of the flight,
  8. Second flight for the year so far, was to fly a couple of weeks ago, but the weather was not in my favor, today it was circuit work at YRED, weather was overcast and a bit windy but as usual the lesson was a hoot Brent A little snippet of the flight:
  9. Flight Hours to date: 28.6 01st Solo, Completed Oct 20, 2017 Last Flight: Jan 12, 2018 Hi All, After a year away from flight training, I was back with Fly Now @ Redcliffe last friday for my first flight 0f 2019, we headed up to the training area at Bribie to re familiarize myself with the basics and getting use to the aircraft again, Weather was a tad bit hot with some crosswinds, a great day for flying regardless, a snippet of the flight in the link below Brent
  10. Thanks for the tip, did not think of that, will try a different position for the vent next time Brent
  11. Yep, it was, Santa gave me a ANR Headset for xmas, it was magnified compared to my old set, at times Pete would tell me something and I had to ask him to repeat the question, someone needs their PTT button fixed Brent
  12. Well, what seemed like an eternity, but really just shy of 3 months since my last, I was back at YRED yesterday for my first flight for 2018, beautiful day weather wise, virtually no wind however it was extremely hot, what went wrong, take off was without flaps, transponder still on standby, thankfully as Peter stated, at least I did remember all the important bits, like flying the aircraft, lol, we headed out to the training area for some basics and get me back into the grove, despite the couple of foo ba's, it was a corker of a day and certainly reinvigorated my passion for flying again, back for another lesson in a month, cant wait! Brent
  13. "Feedback on the Clear Prop Shop" Having recently made my purchase, a ANR Headset (xmas prezzie from the missus to me), I received a call from Ian informing me that my choice was no longer available, he recommended another type which was in stock, slightly dearer, but Ian offered to cover the difference and I received the new headset a few days later, unfortunately I didn't get to have a play or looksee, bloody missus whisk it away and stashed if for Christmas Day, am liking the new Clear Prop Shop look, great customer service, thanks Ian Brent
  14. I reckon at least 5 members on the committee, especially when it comes to voting on changes etc, minimum of 3 might swing the power onto 1? Brent
  15. Hi Ian, I would like to help out if I can, qualifications thus far Team Leader - Logistics Student Pilot - RAAus Owner of Virtual Airline & Part Time Website Coder Mad on all things Aviation Brent
  16. Hi All, After a few non starts due to work, weather and me, I have completed my first solo, Pete was back in the right seat, lesson started out OK, we headed over to Caboolture for a couple of circuits and then back to Redcliffe for some more, weather was a corker, airport traffic was light, wind was blowing straight down 07, Pete called a full stop on my second to last circuit, hopped out and sent me on my way The celebratory woo hoo was a bit subdue, I still had Pete's words ringing in my ear, fly the airplane, fly the airplane, dont think about anything else, just fly the airplane and that the flight is not done until the aircraft is back in its hanger, so upon landing and then taxiing back to the hanger, after completing my post flight checks, I hopped out and danced a little jig There was some humor in the day, after getting all instructions from Pete upon taking off, he neglected to tell me to come back and get him, so Pete had the lonely walk back from the RWY 07 Hold Point to the hanger in what was quite a hot day temperature wise, kinda made up for all those proverbial clip around the ears he gave me now and then in my training Cheers, Brent
  17. Hi All, Back at YRED for another lesson today, Peter was not available, so I had the pleasure of Wayne's company in the right seat, Wayne and I have only flown together a few times in the past, he does a few things different to Peter, so it took a circuit or 2 to get on the same page as him but we had a few laughs along the way as well Weather again was a corker, only a small crosswind today, airport traffic was pretty quiet so we had the place to ourselves mostly, today's lesson was some more pre-solo work, dialing in some more tips & techniques with my circuits to get me ready for that all important first milestone, "The First Solo", as always I had heaps of fun! Brent
  18. Make it 2000, wanna make sure we get our money's worth
  19. Hi All, Completed another lesson in 7440 at Redcliffe today with Peter, flying conditions were a bit better today compared to my last flight, airport traffic was pretty quiet this morning but still had a small crosswind that for a low hours pilot like me, tested me every circuit, but thanks to Pete, I learned some new skills to help me out when landing in these conditions Brent
  20. Hi All, Completed another lesson in 7440 at YRED with Peter from Fly Now, flying conditions were anything but normal today, winds were playing havoc with us today, one circuit we would be using 07, then the wind shifted and then next we are using 25, we were also getting a little bit bashed about with crosswinds as well Today was hopefully going to be about completing my first solo, but due to the conditions, I got to practice crosswind landings instead, first circuit was a shocker, but after the proverbial clip around the ears from Pete, I managed to get mostly everything dialed in properly and notched up some half decent crosswind landings Brent
  21. I am training in a Tecnam P92 Eaglet @ YRED Dual Hire (wet) $ 275 / hr incl, not sure on Private Hire Rates
  22. Yes, agree, it was my first time using RWY 30, we did get blown about a little bit at Caboolture but when we got back to Redcliffe, the air was so still, perfect for some circuit work
  23. Hi All, After a 4 week absence from flying due to work, I was back at YRED for another lesson with Peter, today we took up 7440 for some more circuit work, we headed over to YCAB for a few then back to YRED for some more, Weather was a corker today, traffic was a bit busy at both airports but I managed to polish off some good circuits, below is a small tidbit of my lesson Cheers, Brent
  24. Hi All, After what seems like an eternity, I was back at Fly Now @ Redcliffe yesterday for a flight lesson, my last was on March 10, a 16 week hiatus due to weather, an unexpected trip home (NZ), sadly my mother had passed away and my computers graphics card being fried resulted in my flying fund to be severely depleted for some time. Wayne was my Instructor for the flight, to get me back into the grove, ie: my mind was ready for flying but my muscle memory needed a jump start, we headed out to the training area to perform some back to basic maneuvers to get me backup to where I was previously, it was a beautiful day After being so long away from the cockpit, I did have some concerns whether I wanted to continue to learn to fly or not, also adding in costs, lessons, insurance etc, but the flight was a absolute hoot!, did I do everything spot on?, no, I was a bit rusty, but will get there in time, but ultimately yesterday still revitalize my dream of wanting to be a pilot Brent Flight Debrief: June 23, 2017 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3GqQBMCpso
  25. Hi All, Completed another Circuits Lesson on Friday, this time in 7600. Peter my regular Instructor is a way for a few weeks so also had a new Instructor, Mahl who is looking after me until Pete is back. I have to admit I was a bit nervous as Mahl is the Chief Flying Instructor and Owner and I have not flown with him before, but in no time he had me at ease and the lesson got underway with gusto My flying can be classed as a little bit clunky, tense, and a little aggressive on the controls sometimes so Mahl set about instructing me with simple changes that would help and benefit me as whole, I have recorded 2 circuits, one with Mahl flying and one of me having a go using the tips he has demonstrated, I now have Cockpit Audio Recording setup on my Garmin VIRB, so this is a warts and all video of my flight, "the good and the bad" More finessing needed still, which will come with practice, so more circuit work ahead, which I dont mind, the more the merrier, its all about making me a better pilot after all, thanks Mahl, back for some more training this friday with Mahl again, cant wait, "Still walking away with the biggest smile on my dial" Brent Mahl's Circuit:
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