Hi All,
After a few non starts due to work, weather and me, I have completed my first solo, Pete was back in the right seat, lesson started out OK, we headed over to Caboolture for a couple of circuits and then back to Redcliffe for some more, weather was a corker, airport traffic was light, wind was blowing straight down 07, Pete called a full stop on my second to last circuit, hopped out and sent me on my way
The celebratory woo hoo was a bit subdue, I still had Pete's words ringing in my ear, fly the airplane, fly the airplane, dont think about anything else, just fly the airplane and that the flight is not done until the aircraft is back in its hanger, so upon landing and then taxiing back to the hanger, after completing my post flight checks, I hopped out and danced a little jig
There was some humor in the day, after getting all instructions from Pete upon taking off, he neglected to tell me to come back and get him, so Pete had the lonely walk back from the RWY 07 Hold Point to the hanger in what was quite a hot day temperature wise, kinda made up for all those proverbial clip around the ears he gave me now and then in my training
Cheers, Brent