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Pilot Pete

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About Pilot Pete

  • Birthday 29/04/1968


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  1. did this site happen or has it now shut down too?
  2. just getting back into aviation after a long hiatus and will be rebuilding my little t500 are there any updates to this information?
  3. Pilot Pete


    Looks like it
  4. Been a while since ive been on this site. Hows things Bex?
  5. Pilot Pete


    Been a long time since ive been on here, been a lot happening the last few years. Have never had the chance to finish my license and fly the thruster, but am planning on doing so at the start of 2024. In the mean time i will be needing new wing skins for the t500 and am hoping there is current info on Aussie manufacturers. How do we stand folks? Anyone making them or zre we needing to source from sailmakers? Cheers..... Pete
  6. HI Pete.  Do you still have that Thuster t500 for sale? If so can you tell me a bit about it. ie engine. Approx hours on airframe/engine and condition of skins etc?


    Thanks a lot.

    1. Pilot Pete

      Pilot Pete

      I’ll chase up the hours tomorrow. 

    2. extralite


      Hi Pete...what did you find out?

  7. Been awhile since I’ve been on the forum. Good to hear Bex that things are getting better for you. Was only thinking the other day on how all this bs between our governments was affecting you and your project. Ive bought so much through Chinese manufacturers of late and DONT have a problem at all with my dealings, and I think the feelings are mutual.
  8. Hi, are you still wanting a T500 Thruster. I have one to sell. cheers.....Pete
  9. Be interesting to see how you do that canopy since the rear fuse is flat sided and not rounded.
  10. Looking good my man. Glad to hear your recovering well. cheers.....Pete
  11. Aren’t we just soooooo sarcastic!!?
  12. Looks way less complicated and easier to see
  13. And this is suppossed to be the lucky country
  14. Said with tounge in cheek mind you.......I think...... yes...... no.......yeah I’ll make it a yes.
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