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Pilot Pete

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Everything posted by Pilot Pete

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Another airspace we cant use.
  2. Well...... we've looped around this subject long enough and some of the puns stink enough you can smell them downwind. I might change my angle of attack on the subject and not get into a flap with all the info I have to read on the subject of covering. Seriously, The Hipec system is another one to look into. Has anyone tried this method of covering?
  3. This should probably be in the classifieds but have had no sucsess there. I am after a VW prop driver . Anything from a shrink fit type to a force one setup will do. If you have one you no longer need or would like to sell, please let me know. If i cant source one here in Aus cheap enough then I will have to get one from the USA. Even a contact for someone who manufactures them here in Aus would be good, but they need to be at a reasonable price.
  4. This is the story of the poor dizzy blonde flying in a two-seater airplane with just the pilot. He has a heart attack and dies. She, frantic, calls out a May Day. "May Day! May Day! Help me! Help me! My pilot had a heart attack and is dead. And I don't know how to fly. Help me! Please help me!" She hears a voice over the radio saying: "This is Air Traffic Control and I have you loud and clear. I will talk you through this and get you back on the ground. I've had a lot of experience with this kind of problem. 'Now, just take a deep breath. Everything will be fine! Now give me your height and position." She says, "I'm 5'4" and I'm in the front seat." "O.K." says the voice on the radio.... "Repeat after me: Our Father. . Who art in Heaven. . . ....."
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  5. But thinking up more puns is more challenging though.I think 80 kts is "on the right heading"though for getting one up on me.I've been a little "flighty"lately and have needed to be "proped"up by my better half. I have been prone to "flights"of fancy lately and it's time to "land myself back on solid ground". (am I good or what.....and don't say what!)
  6. Well... I supose I should just "dive"in and start doing something about covering.
  7. I'm in the process of building a Nieuport 11/17. I'ts a Graeme Lee design with some Airdrome elements incorperated. Very easy to build as virtually everything is riveted or bolted.
  8. No spare seat!!!!!! I did'nt even see a mention of wings or tailplane. The undercarriage was'nt even factored in to the equasion.
  9. Lucky I have a sense of humour, otherwise I could "fly off"in a fit of rage. I have a "sinking "feeling my puns are getting a little weak. I'll have to "fuse"together my jumbled thoughts
  10. I think this thread has gone off on a tangent but hey, these puns are pretty clever. I'm starting to find it hard to think of more.
  11. I think it fair to say that most of us have had a say on this topic and that before things are said in anger or frustration that arent really meant, then we should lay this one to bed. I value everyones inputs on the varied subjects on the forum and I think its the very nature of being able to discuss things in a friendly manner and supporting each other in our endeavors to fly safely that makes Aircraft Pilots one of the best forums on the web
  12. And I've had people tell me I'm nuts for flying ultralights
  13. I'm at a loss as to what to say next. I'm all puned out.I've decided to "elevate"myself to a higher position and see what transpires. I'm not trying to "side slip"the issue here, just "turn"to the side a bit.
  14. To sum it all up, wether you agree with the way the message was presented or not, your attention was drawn to the message itself. Kevin certainly gave us all a wake up call.Thanks for caring enough to talk to us
  15. Dear o dear, I think this discusion has become "laced" with puns and wit. If it keeps up, someones going to get a "ribbing". If I "strut"around like this all the time I think I'll be in for "a hard landing", or become disorintated and"spin out of control".
  16. Well call me a "dope", but all this has been "stretched" all ways. Its time to "stick"to the facts, stand up to the"heat"and not "shrink"away from the job of covering.
  17. Didnt they use porridge to taughten the fabric on a glider at Colditz Prison camp during WW2?
  18. You all try it first. If it lasts a 100hrs.... 10....1......10sec....a what the hec, if you can make the fabric stick there while you turn around to have your coffee, I'll be all for it.
  19. No.... I am not sugesting any such rubbish. I'm simply stating that a flour and water mix is my prefered method of gluing and doping the fabric on my planes.
  21. Dacron,Mylar and Ultralam are indeed fabrics, or synthetic fabrics.
  22. Thanks Arthur for your info. It's good to hear from those who have "been here, done that".
  23. I dont have much of a problem with landings. I love the feeling of coming down and greasing the drifter onto the strip. It's the take offs that I can't get a handle on. I'm all over the place and considermyself lucky that I'm still on the strip by the time I lift off. I seem to over correct the swing and feed in too much rudder, then I back off too much and swing back the other way.
  24. Don't they supply these as ready made skins that pull onto the fuse and wing frames?
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