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Pilot Pete

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Everything posted by Pilot Pete

  1. So Pete, ever the humble man, retracted his words and not his wheels, and decided on a trip to the place of many woomeras to sit by the dry river bed and ponder on such things as....
  2. The " BIG RAT" project at Woomera. It seems that a dedication is needed at this highly radiated location and a Big Rat is the ideal icon for this desolate and barron area where nothing but weird and wonderful creatures dwell that glow in the dark and droppings left behind by said creatures have a half life of at least 10,000 years.
  3. A photo wouldnt do the girls justice cried Tommo who was busy trying to hide his brothers camera that had a lens a foot long and had been laughing at the photos of Dunlopdanglers nose hairs at 3000ft.Besides, the girls were needed to correct a c of g problem on the drifter as sandbags werent at hand. That and "sic em Rex" had his eye on Tommo. Meanwhile, Pete sat thinking of the lipstick he should have put on to get a ride in the drifter.......
  4. the finest couple of people you could ever hope to meet. Just ask Tommo. He once met Pete at the Dalby Wings and Wheels and will be forever in awe of this tremendous bloke , with his rugged good looks,quick witt, and the fact that he knows about the two sisters Tommo took for joy flights in the drifter.( you cant have both Tommo)
  5. taking the mickey out of friend and foe alike by telling tall stories on the forums. Not at all like us cultured Queenslanders.We are not happy eating the arsebones out of oxen, we just eat the whole beast.
  6. " I say old chap, you wouldnt have a coat hanger handy would you. It seems I've locked my keys in the sub and I forgot to put the cat out" My watch is on the blink and Q has'nt given me a new one yet so I havent got a spy cutting torch available with gps, digital tv,moblle phone,death ray, and a can opener on one side and on the other a ......
  7. here is the modified cri-cri. I have taken the liberty of going for the twin jet engines instead of the piston engines. I think the wings should be large enough now.
  8. Then modify it I shall
  9. Hi Peter I'm on holidays. But in a word yes as long as the MTOW is 300Kg or less. Regards Steve Sent from my iPhone On 28/09/2010, at 1:53 PM, Peter Austin <[email protected]> wrote: Hello Steve, A few of us have been discussing the possibility of building and flying the Cri-Cri under the 95.10 class of aircraft. If I make the wing larger to give the required wing loading would I be able to build and fly it under this class? Cheers...................Peter Austin Toowoomba, Qld. 07 46962341 This was the emails sent and recieved today concerning the Cri-Cri.
  10. DE-ja-vau it is. I brought this up in another thread not long back. It might be worth getting hold of Steve Bell at RAAUS and getting the final say on all this as it is up to him what is allowable and what is not.
  11. A wing area of 5.67sqm will give a loading of 29.98kg/sqm, I think. This would mean each wing half would need to be 2.835m x 1m including flaps. I think the given sizes are 2.45m x .630m + flaps. I guess the larger wing size would lower top speed but should also lower stall speed, which is currently 72km or 45 mph which is about 38/39 knots, but I don't think there is any ruling on stall speed for 95.10 aircraft that I have been able to find. I may be totally wrong in my maths and assumptions and if I am please forgive me, but if I am right it would seem that the "Cri-Cri"could be a possible contender in the 95.10 class of ultralights. Food for thought anyway.
  12. The regulatory framework enabling RA-Aus operations Read section 4, it will explain 95.10 and the multiple engine senario.
  13. From what Ive mbeen able to work out, Wing loading would be the main hurdle to overcome. If the wing was made longer and or wider I'm sure this could be rectified. From what I've read, the wings were made this size mainly because the designer could make them out of a standard size sheet of aluminium at the time.
  14. I think if the wing area was enlarged it would be possible to fly it in the 95.10 class.
  15. But wait a minute........it was just the Blues Brothers doing another charity run for the Rat -a-tat-tat Orpanage.
  16. So is Destiny Flyer destined to be dense, or is the density that Destiny Flyer is subject to is a destiny that Destiny Flyer is destined for? Did the chicken come first or the egg? Is the earth flat and one day we will just fly right off it into space or is it round, and if we fly fast enough will we catch up to ourselves? Will Destiny Flyer ever sort out his destiny that he is destined for or will he bog down in a mire of dense thoughts that cloud his true destiny..............to be destined for dense things!
  17. Or is the density making me dense and so a destiny is not destined to be my destiny.
  18. to be destined to have a destiny!!
  19. If you had the ring reved out of you ,you would whine too.....
  20. ghost busters
  21. I have thought about that very thing often. Tis why I am trying to be informed as much as possible. I'm not saying that I know everything and I really appreciate the replys and the knowledge given freely. I am definately going the tried and true method of using an analogue altimeter and doing the tap tap tap thing to keep the needles honest.
  22. Yes David, I have learnt a lot. The main thing is that before each flight I must recalibrate the altitude stringy thingy device. All jokes aside , I have been brought over to the Light Side, and the force is now strong within me. I feel I can now make an informed decision on what type of instrument I will be using.:confused:
  23. ...and then, a less dishonest method: *Chuck it at the teacher, then whilst he is knocked out, read the answer sheet. This I think is the correct answer. When you take into account the Human Factors elements such as fatigue management and the ability to make judgement calls based on what is the least stressfull and safest way to coduct the experiment,this is by far the better way to go.
  24. I had a great time and it was good to catch up with you all. Great to put a face to the names. I'd have to agree that it was a little cold in the swag. I woke up to find I had'nt closed the flaps at both my head and feet. Also Í'd like to thank the kind Gentleman and his son at one of the cropdusting outfits for jumpstarting me when I found I had a dead battery the next morning. PS.....SHOWERS !!! where were they? Would have been good to thaw out. Not to worry, alls good.
  25. Dont worry about the answer, I found out. An Encoding altimeter is used to send info to a transponder so the likes of a control tower can read your height
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