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Pilot Pete

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Everything posted by Pilot Pete

  1. I'm lost!! When did Bex start building pyramids and what is the performance specs on those??
  2. Looks like it has a long stroke. Plenty of torque
  3. Jeez Tim. I'd throw in a box of malteasers just for good measure and shake the mans hand.
  4. You don't slam your brakes on for nobody on a road train. No control once those brakes lock on. Try it in a car with a loaded trailer behind you and see what it's like to steer.
  5. Haven't been on for a while. Am sadend at the loss. Rip Maj
  6. I just had mine checked for the first time(i'm 47) and have come up clear but have found that my cholesterol is too high.
  7. I too have only just caught up on this sad news. With his passing goes the collected knowledge of all things aeronauticle. Thank you Pud for sharing your experiences and insights with us while you could.
  8. Emailed Pat and he imported his from the states. He said as theatrical props there was no problem
  9. It's a non gun with no working mechanism capable of firing a projectile
  10. No.....if anything I need it to back him up!I am aware of marvins set up but I was hoping to get plans and or info here in Oz.
  11. Hi all..... Does any one have plans, info, parts lists or even complete propane fired machine guns ? Im wanting to set one up for the Nieuport.
  12. At the risk of sounding dumb, is this going to be the site of the manufacturing plant or am I just missing a joke here ?
  13. Did the factory fold ?????
  14. I thought Nikasil was a coating used on alloy cylinders ?
  15. Have been working on doors for the T500. Frames were made by The Baron. I've covered with clear PVC and attached with riveted angle and flat. Latch is spring loaded in the locked position.
  16. Tim has a beard...
  17. Good work! Makes me jealous that mine has a long way to go.
  18. How could that possibly change the fact that the aircraft crashed? 450kg...crash, 500kg .....crash, 600kg....crash, 650kg....crash, 700kg....crash, 750kg........hey we're still flying???????
  19. Just got my copy in the mail today. The certificate and bookmark were a nice touch. Will start on reading tonight
  20. I tried it in my sleep. When I woke up I was still in one piece.
  21. I suppose I should say I want a book otherwise they will be all spoken for before I get a chance
  22. Haven't flown yet. Am de rigging this week to take to an airfield and getting it flown to Kev's strip to resume training
  23. Just been replacing hose and have found the new one shows up the fuel level quite well. I have the black and white diagonal stripes as a background but the old tube was very brown and didn't allow the fuel to be seen. All fixed. Just going to add fuel and measure 10 Ltd increments.
  24. I'm going to replace the fuel sight tube on the thruster and was wanting to put in a colored float to make it easier to check. Sight tube is 5mm. Any ideas on what to use ?
  25. Aye...... Condolences to Family and friends.
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