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About Bazthebeaut

  • Birthday 19/02/1947


  • Aircraft
    fly synthesis storch
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Member (1/3)

  1. Nearly compleated a ch650 and needing the plans to make a jabiru 3300 engine mount for a ch650/601 that were available from zenith, but not any more or a the item that is ready made sitting in someones shed covered in dust and not being loved. Call me 0417933006, Barry
  2. I have been looking at that Rebel as it has been for sale for a while by someone from NSW, how long have you had it. Sorry about the plane, good about you and " the old girl" Barry, Perth WA
  3. In 2013 I saw a corsair being re built in Mareeba at the hanger that has the other warbirds.
  4. I went solo in that texan, very nice to fly.
  5. Have been snooping around reading for years, decided to make it legal. Lots of good info available to all. I am building a Zenith CH650 and a member of Sports Aircraft Builders Club at YSEN serpentine. Visit sabc.org.au and have a look, if you can come visit.
  6. Hello there Parkway, I live next door to the chiro on Meares Ave, call in and ask for sarge, we have a common interest.
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