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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. White Gum Aviation is open and meeting all the necessary restrictions.
  2. Correction to above. Gordon Marshall, marketing and distributor passed away. Gary, the inventor of the wireless technology and EQ1 Product is contactable on [email protected] Cheers. Andrew.
  3. Not to forget the wheatbelt, Avon valley and White Gum Farm, White Gum Air Park, and the Boeing 737 project... www.whitegumfarm.com.au
  4. Ben, Did you get my reply e-mail? Andrew Cotterell www.737-200.com.au
  5. Fantastic!
  6. G'Day Martin. Hope to see you out at White Gum Air Park one day? Andrew...
  7. Jandakot happened by air. York is happening by road. See www.737-200.com.au
  8. Hi Lain, Check us out at www.ywgm.com.au. When you get here we can have a chat some more... Cheers.
  9. Correct Groundhog. The third (or first) aircraft was flown to Jandakot by nobody. it is used by Polytechnic West (TAFE).
  10. Fantastic Ian, Thank you very much.
  11. Appreciated Ian, A couple of graphics to choose from. Thank you.
  12. We have begun a journey to save 2 ex OzJet 737-200 aircraft abandoned at Perth Airport. We intend to dismantle and transport them by road to York,WA. approximately 100 km's east. Please see www.737-200.com.au Appreciate any assistance, advice or help spreading the word. Please delete or move if this is considered inappropriate for this forum.
  13. Back to support for existing airfields... Of the few places we can go in WA some of them have banned Trikes and Gyro's further decreasing the options to land. Have a look at Northam YNTM a public airfield. Come on RA-Aus show some support.
  14. We need more ALA's. Not sure if RA-Aus should be buying them but, they certainly should be supporting those of us that try and offer one to all pilots.
  15. Please remember us guys in the West. We have are created a privately funded ALA in are now building an Air Park. Our first hangar accommodation unit has passed through the shire and is about to begin construction. The next 6 are being submitted for planning and building approval. Watch this space...
  16. Iknow there are many pilots without facebook or other social media, do you believe there be enough interest to generate a mailing list? Perhaps compiled and maintained by someone independent of any particular club or aircraft breed. Someone with an aviation interest of course.
  17. With so few events apparent in WA, one of the things we are lacking is communicating to each other any small of large event. When something is organised, somehow we manage to get the dates to coincide with each others plans, some sort of forum or central point(s) of contact for announcing such events to all, including GA and all flavours of aviation is long overdue.
  18. Love Manjimup, even if its cold...
  19. Great concept! Keep on eye on YWGM in W.A. We currently have accommodation and camp kitchen facilities. A pub/restaurant/function centre has been approved and construction will commence shortly. MoGas is available on site. www.ywgm.com.au www.whitegumfarm.com.au
  20. I am all for some kind of get together in the between years. I would like to include GA and encourage the Public if practical. An RAA representative should also be present, with plenty of promotional material! We would be happy to host something at YWGM, though we would need lots of help and ideas :) ...
  21. We also attended one of the meetings (Cloud Dancer) on Tuesday. I voiced my opinion regarding their involvement at the show. Apparently they were 'busy all day talking to the public'; at the Oz-Runways stand for some unknown reason? In the meeting both acknowledged that communication, particularly to us westerners needs improving. Overall I do believe RAAus are doing a good job. The meeting went for over two hours with many things discussed, I presume it was a similar discussion everywhere, topics ranging from with from the constitution (too may) to promotion and instruction. Many technical issues were also discussed. The meeting had an informal approach, which is good, both sat out at the front of perhaps a dozen people. I was surprised that they didn't take any notes at all. I couldn't help thinking all this may have all been just lip service. Will they remember all that was said when back in Canberra?
  22. Yep, we had possibly the largest static display there with two Foxbats and a marquee, 4 of us were representing Foxbat, SkySports Flying School and White Gum Air Park. We are all impressed by the professionally run Aerofest. Busselton Aero Club should be proud of their achievement. A job well done presenting the largest fly-in and airshow in Western Australia. Looking forward to the wonderful hospitality in 2018. Extremely disappointed in RA-Aus and a little angry considering they are in the state anyway. Not one ounce of representation at the states biggest airshow? Did they even attend? They didn't come to our stand. A missed opportunity at our expense... Grr
  23. One of ours is for sale in York, WA.
  24. Hello Onetrack, Have a look at :- White Gum Air Park - www.ywgm.com.au White Gum Farm - www.whitegumfarm.com.au and SkySports Flying School - www.skysports.net.au/
  25. Hi Paul, We have an A22 Foxbat that is on wet hire in W.A.
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