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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Can I please ask that all the speculation be raised in another chat. This seems to have gone off topic. People have lost a great mate and I'm sure friends and family don't need to see the what ifs. Just my 2 cents. Ben
  2. These things make RAA planes look bad.
  3. A father and two very young kids were lost. My sincere condolences to the poor mum.
  4. https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/sunshine-coast/missing-plane-search-to-continue-at-first-light-for-overdue-aircraft-near-landsborough/news-story/8cc9013fcceaed1bba6e380444432fc0
  5. Not true, I have no link to any of the crash victims, I am even unsure of their names. Seriously mate if you think that comment was justified you are just as bad as the original poster.
  6. Well I will put it out publicly I don't apologise for what I said nor do I take it back as the comment that I responded to was disrespectful and a disgracefull thing to say when family and friends of the victim could see it. I find it more disappointing that as a moderator you would spend more time justifying the fact the conversation should be advanced and to whom who reported it I must say you are just as bad. I have been a member of this forum for over 10 yrs and the way it has changed where people get reported for sticking up for what's right is sad. Please tell me how stating the survivability % of a burns victim who is still undergoing treatment is justified or relevant?????
  7. What a absolute sh..t comment to make mate, wake up to yourself.
  8. I fail to see how he flew straight into it. I know I wasn’t there but there doesn’t even look like a last minute roll or anything.
  9. That’s a funny looking trike???
  10. I wonder what piece that was hitting the ground first. It was absolutely hooting and going 3 times the speed the airframe was
  11. A lot different you can eject lol
  12. But Pm we wouldn’t want the risk of engine failures and them doing outlandings before they even get to the target ?. Safer with a 2kg chinease drone.
  13. The flags on their transmitters these days are usually only for wind direction but also some electric clubs still do dogfights with streamers and the aircraft streamer matches the transmitter colours. Fm and Am radios using crystals have been banned in model aircraft for over 6 yrs
  14. Sorry spacesailer but crystals havent been used in quality rc units for nearly 10 years. Its all 2.4ghz now and with the thousands of freq combinations you would never interfere with them.
  15. A quick rego search shows that aircraft has been binned twice before. Maybe after the now third it might be time for scrap
  16. Drone my ass
  17. Hey guys, I came across this on the ATSB website. It has editions from 1953 onwards Aviation Safety Digest
  18. Biggest lot of Sh...t I’ve seen
  19. Just waiting for a mate
  20. As a fellow drone pilot I couldn’t agree more
  21. After spending some time in the US recently In some parts i dont think that you are ever high enough to make it clear of the town.
  22. Jabiru seem quick to publish when somthing isn’t their fault but it’s tumbleweeds for weeks when it is. Oh that’s right I’m Jab bashing deleted here I come.
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