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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Fair point Brentc but at $280 every 400hrs worst case scenario sure is better than $45 every 20:cool:
  2. She can have that all to herself
  3. Couldn't have said it better Tomo, I don't have any issues with Jabiru's as I have never been in one but they are just a bit to common to get exited about
  4. Great video added to libary Thanks
  5. English Watch Now!
  6. Added to Libary thanks
  7. English Watch Now!
  8. English Watch Now!
  9. English Watch Now!
  10. Added to Libary thanks
  11. Just for the record I didn't put this video on here condoning the actions, just was gobsmacked when I first sore it and had to share
  12. I had a model of a fokker friendship made
  13. Legal fun flying in a Drifter Ultralight over a large wheat and grain property in western NSW, Australia --- Watch Now!
  14. --- Watch Now!
  15. --- Watch Now!
  16. --- Watch Now!
  17. --- Watch Now!
  18. Drifter two place ultralight, experimental lightsport aircraft. FREE weekly web video webcasts on ultralight and lightsport aviation. PLUS FREE classified ads at http://www.lightsportaircraft.ca --- Watch Now!
  19. I actually have a model by this guy, It turned out GREAT:thumb_up:
  20. Bushpilot, No offense but I don't think it is pointless. If you read through my earlier posts you will see I said IF the keep rising the will end up costing the same as imports. The fact is in this market labour nd materials are cheaper that was my point. And yes Tecnam's are dearer no doubt but with minimal hrs 2nd hand tecnams dropping to around 90-100k and a top end Jab getting close to that NOT the 120 there will be a swing. I was not saying don't buy Jab nor don't buy Aussie Made so my point is valid just like yours
  21. Steady tomo, The old drifter could also be mistaken for a mis assembled trike:laugh:
  22. French news report on building and flying a Zenith STOL CH 701 kit plane in the Caribbean. --- Watch Now!
  23. --- Watch Now!
  24. --- Watch Now!
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