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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Low pass of P92 ECHO SUPER on LKKRAM. --- Watch Now!
  2. Enzo De Blasio, solista della UANEMA Ultraligth Air Team in volo con il Tecnam P2002 SIERRA www.uanema.com --- Watch Now!
  3. ?????? ?????????? ?? ???????? Tecnam P-92 Echo. --- Watch Now!
  4. ?????? ?????????? ?? ???????? Tecnam P-92 Echo. --- Watch Now!
  5. ?????? ?????????? ?? ???????? Tecnam P-92 Echo. ??????????? ? ????????? ??????. --- Watch Now!
  6. I just added the video to the libary, great vid:thumb_up::thumb_up:
  7. English Watch Now!
  8. I know but after all the trike videos I added recently people might think I am bias;) I will put a few on this week just because:laugh:
  9. Couldn't agree more:thumb_up::thumb_up:
  10. I just added the video to our Libary thanks GrameK:thumb_up:
  11. English Watch Now!
  12. I agree with the last pilot "must be frustrating not to mention dangerous
  13. Display Vega Team Lecce --- Watch Now!
  14. Collecting our Bravo "Cloud 9" --- Watch Now!
  15. landing at Foxhill and down wind take off. --- Watch Now!
  16. Popham Microlight Show 2008 --- Watch Now!
  17. --- Watch Now!
  18. A beautiful flight around isle of Ponza, with our Tecnam P2002 JF (I-FADA). --- Watch Now!
  19. --- Watch Now!
  20. --- Watch Now!
  21. --- Watch Now!
  22. This week I will be adding videos of Technam Aircraft and will continue on a weekly basis change manufacturers. I will run a poll to see what aircraft is most popular for next week Cheers
  23. Fair comment though in this economic enviroment why on earth would you raise the price of a "recreational" product. Labour is cheaper, materials are cheaper so in all honesty adding 10% to the price means they are probably gaining 20% on the bottom line compared to before. They might be underpriced compared to the inports but that is a good thing-it means they are affordable but keep raising the price and it will make imports look like a better option especially if the exchange rates get better and if it does happen Jabiru might find themselves in a bit of a bind if compared to the build quality of some imports ie Tecnam if the prices are comparable. Just a thought:loopy:
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