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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Well Done Brett:thumb_up::thumb_up:
  2. No probs sweetie:laugh:
  3. See Crezi, I'm not the only one;)
  4. Well point taken but if CASA has the ppl option, RA-AUS has the weight limit and the HGFA hs it's option then why change. We will just end up paying more for others options that we don't want. It will just be another case of the little guy getting pushed out due to expenses
  5. In the interest of maturity I will leave that comment alone but as I have said you can fly heavier aircaft now GO GET A PPL... It is always a monority that ruins a good set of rules. You don't understand how lucky we are in Australia compared to other countries.
  6. :thumb_up:here here:thumb_up:
  7. All you guys want your cake and to eat it aswell. You want all these freedoms of height and weight but will be the first to jump up and down when registrations are increased, medicals a made mandatory and LAME's will get involved. There is nothing stopping you flying a 900kg aircraft now just go get a ppl. Leave RA-AUS alone and keep our freedoms secure. We all don't want to fly big lumps of tin and be scrutinised to high heaven. Don't fix what is not broken
  8. Can't say it yaws from side to side. I wouldn't advise fixing a rudder to it. The way it is set up it wouldn't be very inaffective and probably would fowl the prop. The 60 will have a two blade prop. I forgot to mention both mine and my mates we updated the rear landing gear. We strengthened the fuse and bolted on a alloy undercarriage similiar to those found on trainers so no prop clearence issues. Looks good to!!!
  9. To be honest I have been slack and I havent made any more progress, I hope to have it all done within a couple of weeks. I have flown my friends one though and found it was extremely unstable when it was given full up elevator at high speed, it tried to flip on it's back. So to fix that the rates were reduced to have a smaller deflection on high rates and added more weight to the nose. Since then it has flown well and this weekend he is putting a os 60 on it. SHould be interesting.
  10. Brent, I apologise about my speal, now you have put it like that I can see where you have come from.:thumb_up: I will admit I have learned somthing:blush:
  11. Point taken but I think it's just a case of Political Correctness Overload:loopy: If that was the case hallf the posts on this forum would have to be re worded, there are multible members who are level 2's and make comments about there trips away to work. Theres a difference between writting about what you are doing and actually advertising. Lets keep these threads politics free. I don't think in anyway Adrian has even come close to breaching this sites codes etc
  12. Oh well such is life, maybe we can now concentrate on flying ultralights again:thumb_up:
  13. Adrian isn't trying to sell anything, he was only asking where to Hire a plane from, what he does with it has no bearing on this thread.Lets not get carried away here:loopy:
  14. And no doubt the new price aswell lol
  15. I reckon we should all start one in our local area:thumb_up:
  16. What is that in the last photo?. If it is a dead animal it might be worth removing that picture as it quite wrong
  17. Thanks MM, It was just one of those videos I have watched over and over:thumb_up:
  18. Started sailing a Sabot when I was 7 then moved onto a Laser. Had a break for a lot of years then bought a Hobie 16. After that bought a 505 which I only sold about 8 weeks ago. Will be looking for another laser one day soon.
  19. Tell me about it nothing would give me more pleasure to buy a block amongst a mostly GA Airpark and watch all the snobs go ape:censored: when you start to build a composite kit ultralight on the front lawn:laugh:
  20. BLA82


  21. I onced watched a show when they were building a bike with those hubs. The cost of the hubsthemselves were reasonable but the bearings needed as they are the size of the outside not the axel were a 20k custom job. The first ones lasted 3000kms. They still look great though
  22. In all honesty Icebob that comment is a bit of a worry, I believe if the book says 300hrs than it's 300hrs no questions asked.
  23. Whats the difference between models ie sv2 sv3 etc
  24. Is this the one, it was at the last Wide Bay Airshow
  25. Now thats a nice looking ship, If only I had the money:crying:
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