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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of a wing manufacturer in Australia. I know wingtech does but they have said they won't do a wing for a pursuit 10 anymore. Is there any others
  2. Down at Supercheap Auto, look in the parts catalogue under VP Commodore:laugh:
  3. BLA82

    Low Pass

  4. Theres more commodores than Audi's at the shops to, doesn't mean they are better:laugh:
  5. Don't ya mean glider pilots, I reckon that Jab pilots should be given glider endorsements as by the end of their time in a Jab they should have more skills at gliding than most:cool:
  6. :thumb_up::thumb_up:
  7. BLA82


    Welcome Elwyn, Good to see another high experience member joining us:thumb_up:
  8. Does anyone know when the next one is due, I have just asked to be added to the mailing list
  9. I know the feeling:crying: I got landings down pat a few hours ago and now it's all going pearshapedthumb_down I will get back there again soon:thumb_up:
  10. I agree that airport security in Australian Airports is a JOKE but I can assure you that airmarshals exist as I personally know one. But lets just say because of the good old government security policys he is very limited on what he can do. ie=unruly or upset passenger he will just sit there and you won't know who he is but get up and make a threat and it's gonna hurt.
  11. It's a great magazine for that, less crap and more real life experiences
  12. You guys forgot the Pacific Flyer:crying:
  13. Well I disagree, I have a casio Pro Trek it might not be a designated "Pilots watch" but it does have an altimeter which is accurate, a barrometer and a compass which is also accurate. No radio interference with radio and 100% charges with Sunlight. Best watch I have ever owned.
  14. I was just wondering if anyone here new where I could find a set of Pursuit trike plans or similiar hombuilt trike to look at?
  15. Well we won the state of Origin, we have the best weather, we are the best drivers and everyone knows we are the best lookin;)
  16. :wave:Welcome Good to see more QLD's on here, we will take over oneday:laugh:.
  17. I have to admit I have never flown one but I reckon I could after all i let all the air out of my wheelbarrow tire and ran down the driveway, I even stayed outa the garden:laugh: strayed a bit off center though.
  18. I have to admit I have never flown one but I reckon I could after all i let all the air out of my wheelbarrow tire and ran down the driveway, I even stayed outa the garden:laugh: strayed a bit of center though.
  19. Corrine will be out of business with the nails, everyone will bite theirs off in discust at looking over at the plastic not so fantastic roman candles:laugh:
  20. Welcome, As Tomo said lots of great fellas with lots of knowledge. Fly Safe:thumb_up:
  21. Not apologising for your mistakes just apologising for my XXXX stirring. I am glad it all turned out ok. Just remember mate you will have some wild stories to tell ya kids oneday. Everyones points were justified, but we would all prefer you to be alive to realise that.
  22. Biggles, Sorry to hear about the prang, glad to hear you are fine and I do apologise about all the stirring in the NES. Stay Safe
  23. Thats exactly right, they are all good sitting preaching there well doing but when it comes to handouts they are the first to take and last to give MM I agree, if you read my original posts I was saying that the Catholic Church could afford to help these causes and never do. The MAF might not only be the catholic church but on it's website it preaches to be helping others and as a non for profit company and spreading christian development. With a big DONATE button. As I said maybe all the churches can donate somthing instead of leaching more money from everyday people
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