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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Nah he is the CFI
  2. No probs, :thumb_up:another time
  3. I can see your point Ashlocks I honestly can and if was just a guy who was flying out of his depth or on a private flight and got caught in weather I would definately not be interested in helping.It's the risk you take for being uninsured. It's just in Brian's case he helps so many people and also flew all the way to Avalon to represent RA-AUS. Thats the situation I don't mind helping.
  4. Just slip a $50 dollar note in the plate and it should be all good.
  5. Thanks for that, That has definately answered my question
  6. Well Done:thumb_up:
  7. Excellent, PM me if you need any help
  8. Can't they Taxi back, unless they crash of course. I originally thought the were gliding in but on one of the landings he powers up so obviously they are still running
  9. Cloudsuck, Do you have any ideas on how we can start a bit of a fund to help Brian, maybe the flying tigers have a bank account ppl can direct deposit into to help?
  10. Can anyone tell me why the chase these aircraft when they are landing?
  11. I don't feel so bad now:thumb_up:
  12. Dad's pipes were done by Motorcycle Exhaust Professionals in Brisbane, They are actually the original's modified so the look is unchanged and they are highly skilled at giving you the sound you want. I am not a fan of bikes being to loud but these sound great and their workmanship is great. Once the pipes are done installing a Staintune SFI is a good idea. They are a more simpliar version of a power commander and it just alows the EFI to be tuned to the pipes. Without it it rode like a tractor:laugh:
  13. I second that, I recently met Brian at Boonah and he is a charater I will never forget, his Savanagh was just spectacular to say the least and the generosity of Brian is no different. I hope a few guys can get together and either help re-build his savavagh. If is is not repairable we should organise for a bit of a fundraiser to help towards replacement. Another post made comments to the fact that Brian and others have flown along way to have their planes on show for the RA-AUS, maybe they can help aswell. I'm sure an extra $10 per membership would go along way to help replace some of these guys planes and I doubt anyone would have a grudge in paying
  14. That would be good. I am hoping to take Dad's to the next track day for a bit of fun. You might be right about the power in on corners thing. I wasn't really paying attention and probably would have backed of a bit. I reccomend if you havent already done so to get the pipes changed and a SFI fitted. Not to loud but gives a lot more punch.:thumb_up:
  15. What a tosser, gees I'd love to see the corrosion on those legs in a few months
  16. Captain, How you finding the 109 in the handling aspect. My old man has a 08 model with the pipes done and it goes like as you said but I find it likes to stand up in the corners. Still a great bike though and probably the best Jap cruiser ever made, having said that best any cruiser, we all know that harleys arn't real bikes:laugh:
  17. too true:thumb_up: but just as we speak a rumble is heard, It's Biggles he has removed the front nosewheel of his cheetah and tied on a old wheelbarrow with a few bounces his off but suddenly the barrow breaks loose and flies through......
  18. Thats correct and hopefully not anyone else aswell. Aunt's garden is growning nicely and doesn't need a dose of biggles and bone.
  19. Talking about extraction I see in another thread that Biggles is at it again and needs to extract his Cheetah from the ground. When will he learn that the cheetah is good but not good enough to land itself. :idea:He said he was sleeping behind the controls but really I think he was knocked out by the exhaust fumes from the fuel he extracted from the tractor:loopy: Oh well back to the drawing board he mentioned he wanted to install flaps maybe a set of trainer wheels might me more suitable.. Hang on what about a set of.........
  20. I'm all good:thumb_up:
  21. I think the point is being missed here GFC you have very valid points as I too have owned high performance engines BUT there is always a trade off. As Captain said amongst others the Reno racing engines are built for Max Power Max Rpm and a very short lifespan. I used to have a excessively modified motorbike and I can honestly say there was no money spared nor was the build done poorly and the life between builds was short. It might have had all the top grade parts but in the end it was still a stressed motor. Your comment "With these components you can reliably get 500hp out of a 2.2 liter 4 cylinder with boost on pump fuel, so I know they will last for ages turning out only 100hp. " is not quite correct. You either have one or the other and as far as modifying proven engines in aircraft I can't honestly see any advantage.
  22. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  23. Good to see someone shares my thoughts:thumb_up:
  24. I have to admit it I am bias but I love it, Fuel economy is GREAT, long distance is so easy, plenty of grunt where needed and on the dirt they are better than ppl think. The only complaint I have is you can't turn the ABS off but other than that I couldn't recomend them enough. I nearly bought the DL1000 instead but after riding one I am so glad that I didn't.
  25. Too True:thumb_up: My biking history as follows, PE50 KX65 RM80 RM125 RM250 thats were the dirt racing ended. RGV250 250 Across FZR400 1999 GSXR 1100 turbo 220hp at rear wheel 9p boost and way to much money spent. 1994 Virago 1100, WHAT WAS I THINKING Current 2008 DL650 Vstrom with Givi Paniers,Givi Top Box, Custom Bash Guards, Rad Guards, Custom Chain Guard, Crash Bars, Bar risers, Bark Busters, ABS and a lot more. My old man has a new Suzuki MT109 and a Goldwing which is also good for a ride. One of the slowest bikes I have ever owned yet I love it
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