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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Kari and Grant test out the idea of a bamboo ultralight plane. --- Watch Now!
  2. My buddy Vic taking off on the road in his Cobra ultralight. His normal runway needed mowing so he used the road --- Watch Now!
  3. Thats the video I sore, obviously I didn't remember all the injuries. Dam that would have hurt:black_eye:
  4. There is another copy of this video floating around and it lists his injuries, broken ankles (both) broken leg broken collar bone broken ribs x 4 lacirations Did you notice as soon as the fan quits he goes full stick back:loopy:
  5. Do you blame them, in these financial times if you have a choice of more money you will go there.
  6. Thats sux!!!!!. Many of weekend nights spent at tipplers and in later life many of drunken nights moored outside it. It will be a sad day when it closes.
  7. RC TURBINE RAVEN 28 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=123
  8. 757 Bird strike during take off and emergency landing 84 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=122
  9. World record - shortest takeoff and landing 121 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=121
  10. Wing Walker 68 English http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=119
  11. Wing Walker 68 English http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=119
  12. Are the pilots volunteers or paid?
  13. I dunno about Melbourne but there is a great lookout at Brisbane airport. It's near the GA Parking area
  14. It's not about playing games, it's about facts and figures. Statistics CLEARLY shown and accurately well prove all. Not playing one agaist the other. I agree that anger doesn't achieve anything but writting warm and fuzzies won't either. Leave that to the Lions Club. Never under estimate the power of people in large groups. What we need to do is unite in our feelings and express them in numbers. One angry response won't do anything three thousand will. So to sum it up we need to move on from this article it is to old to dwell on.
  15. Just wanted to add my two cents worth, Pabloako NEVER said he was going to push on indicating he was concerned. He said carry on ie monitoring the situation and planning for alternatives. I think this was a great case of what we are taught in Human Factors and exactly the corect way to deal with it. There was an issue with the twin engine aircraft and the decision was made to return and fly another day even though he was "still legal" Great Job mate:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  16. BLA82

    Drifter future

    Pilot has to eat a t-bone before takeoff:laugh:
  17. Great Thread, thanks for sharing the experiance.
  18. With a head like the one in your webcam, its gonna hurt:laugh:
  19. So all in all still a good weekend Ozzie:thumb_up:
  20. The same as they would say if they saw a Vovo Driver:laugh:
  21. Well he does have a XT Skeptic:laugh::laugh:bit hard to compare perfection to anything else:sorry:
  22. BLA82

    Drifter future

    Does that comment even justify a response, I think not:hittinghead:
  23. BLA82

    Drifter future

    And your point is??? Piggy Back in a trike. Whats the difference between piggy back in a trike and piggy back in a Drifter. Each to there own. Personally I would pay 60k for a 912 trike before I would pay 25k for a drifter and in some instances a drifter doesn't even come close to a trike and vice versa. As Crezzi comments try telling a bike rider that he can get a Hyundai for the price of his bike-I can promise you won't like the answer
  24. It's all good Clint, I don't have an issue with you. I like talking on here aswell just good threads should equal good reply's. There is the NES for spinning tall ones so please don't ruin them. Cheers:off topic:
  25. If I do that only half the reply's would be seen, hey that would actually be good:thumb_up: Clint, never let the truth get in the way of a good story:loopy:
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