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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Clint I wasn't being personal just voicing my opinion. An hour as a lesson, might be usual but not set in stone and I wasn't only replying to lessons. There just seems to be alot of being said in these threads lately.
  2. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  3. I'm not religious Clint but just please tone down those comments as their are others who are and we are ALL welcome to believe what we want and a place like this is not the location for such debate.
  4. I second that, some of these reply's to threads are getting pathetic, a tall stories thread or just a case of grow up is needed.
  5. Great to Hear Brad, All the Best
  6. I would think about what you wrote Clint and try again. Wears of after an hour what about a 3 hour flight. Mate I aplaud you for coming back from what you have been through but to write comments like the above borders on stupidity.
  7. As much as they look like fun, I reckon a 503 redback would be a better option for 28k. Sorry John no swapping of time at that price.
  8. I don't really think CSIRO really have it right there, They might or might not be as good as planes but the large Skycranes have definately saved countless lives and houses. I have personally witnessed that Elvis chopper a few years ago save 8 houses with one dump. I believe they would be a better option as water bombers either need a large lake or river to refill or land where as a helicopter can just hover over any dam etc
  9. Love ya idea mate, lets hope we can get a roll on here. I have on simple question. How would you remove the prop? Would it have a removable tail section?
  10. I have an article out of a old book all about Wayne Fishers Drifter (I will try and scan it to this post later) It is NOT the same as the certified. Extras stated are Extra Ribs Over Sized cable stays Modified Wing Mounts Modified Pod and Seats Modified Fuel Cell Larger mounts on the control surfaces And Larger control Cables This was one highly modified Drifter
  11. Turbo, My thoughts are with that girl and I hope she is found alive. As for that guy who rescued those people I have to admit I teared up while watching his story and It gives you hope that there is still decent human beings ot there. WELL DONE TO HIM:clap:
  12. Good point but unless they go through the process they will not be Certified and I can't see Mercedes wasting their time and money for such a small market. So uncertified engines will only be good in homebuilts or the like.
  13. I agree MM, we don't need to knoow anymore than that.
  14. All the best for anyone effected by this and to the ones who lit them consecutive murder charges for all the lives lost.
  15. No need to convert me Tomo, I love Diesel's in cars, 4wd's etc. Just auto engines in aircraft a bit of concern to me personally but each to their own. I would like to see how they go if bought out.
  16. Well Tomo fair call but as a Dielsel fitter you will also know that diesel froths in a tank if shaken to much, how good will that be in turbulance and also no plugs correct but still glow plugs, fuel pumps, injector rails etc etc. Diesel's are good for what the a designed for Low reving high torque applications, boats, 4wd's earthmoving equip etc. I don't think they should be put anywhere near a aeroplane. And besides the services may be less work but parts like filters and oil a 3 times the price.
  17. Well those figures sound good but they are based on road vehicle figures and there is engine failures. Just to let you know when Subaru released the new WRX one in 8 of their engines failed on the product line. Having said that I have to admit it I would still prefer a higher reving "aero specific" engine than a low reving auto engine but that is just choice not saying they don't work. Just one more thing Diesel's may last twice as long but 3rd of the maintence I doubt it.
  18. And who would that be Clint?
  19. What melted first:question: That'll be the jab wouldn't it. Nah, by Steve D's post ya can fly the jab in 160 deg/c, with the heater on and the Operating Manual is used for s:censored:t paper for outlandings:laugh: Speaking of outlandings Biggles just pulled of a great one, with the cheetah only running on two cylinders he actually landed in Crappy 's back garden, the uphill slope helped and he managed to pull up just in front of Aunty, mmmmm a nice young lad has came to see me she said. Just than a jealous Asslocks fires up and say's Thats my girl bigglesboy, but I will challenge you to a ......... for the right to take her out......
  20. Moy, I think it might be worth just reading the thread Flying jab's over 40 degrees - Recreational Flying This will just stop the double up of info and as you will see the Double up of peoples opinions.
  21. Sorry Guys, I could only find a cockpit of my old plane, I had to sell it, it was to slow-I have since upgraded to a trike:laugh:
  22. Bare Chested:ah_oh: Gees the NES has turnes R-Rated, gees common their could be kids watchin:blush: As for competition I'm in my b cup man boobs are a sight to see :pig: Well thats enough for now, I can hear Biggles on his way back at the sound of boobs and for some reason Asslocks has undone his padlock, Whats that under his aluminium jocks it's a picture of.....
  23. Call Biggles back he can sort this mess out:loopy:. On a serious note old Biggles has seem to have gone quiet, for nearly 24 hours:exclamation: He must have really taken a holiday, either that or he didn't lockwire the second CDI back on. The poor Jab with full throttle, a 20knt tail wind and running on two cylinders only has a cruise of 50, but hey thats still faster than.....
  24. Blah Blah is not scared:laugh: he realises that the NES is for fun and promises he won't go off and cry:crying: Maybe you might need to go and give Bing a Ling a big Maybe Bing a Ling needs to listen to a bit of Johny Cash "Mama don't let ya babies grw up to be cowboys"
  25. Bing a ling hear asslocks comments and quickly throws the kermit into a 6g tight turn and returns for the swoop yelling abuse at all in his way, but just as he is about to pull up at the end of the strip he heres a yelp" s???t he forgot to undie the Kelpie from the LHS undercarriage.
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