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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Well by the looks of it the dummy was spit, biggles has left the building he seems to have quit:loopy: For all the taunts and the names he has been called, he:loopy:'s two dollar compass has send him abroad, his cheetah won't start and his utes on the blink, the cheetah gun rack is broken and his RM WIlliams sticker wont stick. So in a rush of bulldust and a bad case of sink, the greenmachine just clears the fence and aquaplanes across the creek.
  2. http://www.accessibility.com.au/shop/walking-aids-walking-stick/nova-folding-t-handle-walking-stick http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Joplin-Aluminium-Folding-Walking-Stick-16063_W0QQitemZ300289594856QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Medical_Special_Needs?hash=item300289594856&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 Try these two
  3. Fair Point but seek alternative suppliers I think the manufacturers of these products should look at who is importing their products and seek alternatives. I wouldn't buy a can of coke of Coates on princible
  4. How pathetic are these people, I to would like to see RA AUS give them the boot and as far as the emails that upset your family, Ian I hope you realise that for every:censored: who does this there is a thousand of us who appreciate what you do and thanks to your wife for supporting you:clap: I hope Mr Coates products are given a wide birth:off topic:
  5. I think Adam has hit the nail on the head,:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: No more needs to be said and MM I think there is a few people that need to realise that we listen to their opinions so the should give us the same respect. Just because they have so called "knowledge" doesn't mean they are correct so there is no need to shut up, as said forums are for discussion. Self Control hasn't been an issue on this thread
  6. Andy, I can see your point but I am still of the belief that the idea of the supply an demand is the reason for the low cost is just wrong. If there were thousands of spare planes available to purchase I would say yes but there isn't. MM comment on 2 years can undo 30 in relation to old GA planes other than 2 years non maint is not correct. It's a case of if somthing is used,maint,used,maint,used,maint for 20 years than all of a sudden is used every two weeks for maybe 3 hours and serviced 3 times a year IT"S GONNA BREAK. You only need to look at the simple Taxi, it can be good for 300,000km's being used every day than all of a sudden it gets sold and driven as a run around and you have leaks, parts breaking etc. A machine that has consistently been used and then all of a sudden sidelined will break down. And as far a the comment of the can'tbef????? comment yes that is what will happen as no-one will know how to look after these types. I can see the idea being suitable for bringing old types over like cubs and the likes but they are always owned by motivated owners who maint is one of their priorities. As I said it should be a case by case basis.
  7. Guys, I can see what you are saying and in a perfect world yes you are right but you are missing the point. There are people on here saying that they are tried and tested models with 30 years trouble free use BLAH BLAH BLAH. But the fact of the matter is people will buy these because they are CHEAP and CHEAP for a reason. GA owners can't be bothered servicing them anymore because they are to costly and as MM stated Old Bob who was a engineer in the 70's and who's claim to fame is keeping his 1980's falcon running all these years now has the opportunity to maintain his own cessna or similiar. DISASTER!!! At least with the new types yes no-one really knows how good they are but there is alot more guys servicing them themselves with little issue. And if you think that the whole thing of they are both metal skinned, fixed pitch prop, high wing, simple 4cyl so whats the difference idea thats exactly the attitude that will bring this idea down
  8. :sad:Not only a sad loss to the aviation industry but a loss to the motorcycle and marine industry aswell. RIP:sad:
  9. Thats awesome, for us un educated folks how does a jumber get that sort of control over a chute, I thought you just has left/right and flare:loopy: Ozzie or Captain can you explain
  10. :laugh:To true, maybe it just needs a few Zanax in the fuel tank:laugh:
  11. Flat Belly A little boy walks into his parents' room to see his mom on top of his dad bouncing up and down. the mom sees her son and quickly dismounts, worried about what her son has seen. She dresses quickly and goes to find him. The son sees his mom and asks, 'What were you and Dad doing?' The mother replies, 'Well, you know your dad has a big tummy and sometimes I have to get on top of it and help flatten it.' 'Your wasting your time,' said the boy. 'Why is that?' the mom asked puzzled. 'Well when you go shopping the lady next door comes over and gets on her knees and blows it right back up.'
  12. If you want a laugh check out the video link on his add than look at his other vids, taking off from a PUPLIC PARK overloaded dropping parachutes ans BUZZING PEOPLE on a beach at about 100ft if that. HE is just a tosser.
  13. DON'T BUT THIS SET!!!!!! I have a set and there has been alot of changes since that Ebay set was produced. Firstly there is a whole new control set up, full size rib drawings and a whole new wing design. From Affordaplane direct the electronic copy iis only $30approx and you also get a builders manual and auto updates.
  14. Nev, I agree totally with MM's post and Yen's idea. I am sorry Nev I don't have your faith that these old buckets once it is not regulated will be serviced correctly. The aircraft we have now are simple to service so it is safe for owners or level 2's to do so but 30 year old crapped out GA planes that is different.
  15. I'm nearly there 78miles to go 4.5knts
  16. Ok here it is, How is RA AUS going to regulate more aircraft, organise Higher Insurance Cover, Re write the training sylabus, and then on top of that keep a watchfull eye on maintence issues without the membership costs and for anyone thinking the above won't happen don't be fooled. RA-AUS rejected the plan to still have ex GA aircraft maintained by LAME's so there will be more costs just for the technical advisors portfolio, than you have the insurance cover that we are lucky to have, the cost of that will go up for that aswell. That is just the tip of the ice berg and don't think RA AUS will bear the cost without passing it on. Even just to organise a register as they propose to have all GA aircraft checked before they are re-registered will be at a price. RA-AUS is there to make money aswell. So I re-iterate my belief if people want bigger planes that get a GA conversion and if it does end up being an RA-AUS controll than it should be user pays=bigger plane bigger rego etc
  17. Well Nev lets hope your right Nev but I don't believe you are.
  18. I agree with Fact Hunter, if others want more rights than they should be the ones paying for it. Clint to compare the LAMS system to the weight increase is like comparing diamonds to road base. The Lams scheme was a Power to weight system therefore the only real thing it stoped was as you said 2 stroke missiles being ridden by kids. To say that a 1 ton plane with great STOL that is easy to fly is no different is just ridiculous. Why not invent a 10 ton plane that stalls at 45knts and fly it under ra-aus. Where does it stop!!!!!. I have to admit when this first came up I was in agreement with it but now after really looking into it there is no big gains. If people are wining that the Jabiru is certified above what RA-AUS will let them fly it to GET OVER IT. Go do your GA conversion and fly under their banner. We enjoy what we have and as mentioned before we are ahead of the rest of the world. If people want to fly big planes get a big license and for us who just enjoy the ideals of flying ULTRALIGHT AIRCRAFT won't be hit with over regulation:wasnt me:
  19. Aerobatic Legend Wayne Handley 41 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=124&t=22908
  20. RC TURBINE RAVEN 28 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=123&t=22907
  21. World record - shortest takeoff and landing 119 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=121&t=22906
  22. Wing Walker 67 English http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=119&t=22905
  23. 757 Bird strike during take off and emergency landing 81 --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=122&t=22902
  24. Don't hold your breath Glen, I sent them two emails over a month ago and still no reply. Let me know if you do get a response. Thats good Crezzi, if you get one I will look after your 912 for you;)
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