I can see your point but I am still of the belief that the idea of the supply an demand is the reason for the low cost is just wrong.
If there were thousands of spare planes available to purchase I would say yes but there isn't.
MM comment on 2 years can undo 30 in relation to old GA planes other than 2 years non maint is not correct.
It's a case of if somthing is used,maint,used,maint,used,maint for 20 years than all of a sudden is used every two weeks for maybe 3 hours and serviced 3 times a year IT"S GONNA BREAK.
You only need to look at the simple Taxi, it can be good for 300,000km's being used every day than all of a sudden it gets sold and driven as a run around and you have leaks, parts breaking etc.
A machine that has consistently been used and then all of a sudden sidelined will break down.
And as far a the comment of the can'tbef????? comment yes that is what will happen as no-one will know how to look after these types.
I can see the idea being suitable for bringing old types over like cubs and the likes but they are always owned by motivated owners who maint is one of their priorities.
As I said it should be a case by case basis.