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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Well I don't have a problem with it but I honestly don't understand why we need it. We fly ULTRALIGHTS if you want heavier planes why not get a PPL. It would be good to see some of the old cubs, etc but lets keep the old trash out. I think the weight increase should be alowed on a case by case basis.
  2. Gees GFC you must have plans for a big hanger, first it was an overpowered Jab, than you were after a turbofan and now a Jab to tow HG:hittinghead:
  3. DD, Thanks for adding these videos but alot of them are already in our Video Clips Section:thumb_up:
  4. :thumb_up:Tell me about it but wether you could get away with it or not, I wouldn't be keen to try it unless totally necessary:ah_oh: By the way, this is a great thread, well done for starting it. It is good to hear from you guys, makes us young folk dream more:thumb_up:
  5. Never let your imagination get in the way of a good story GFC. I really can't see an idea like that becoming the norm mate. I think instead of using technology to make flying easier, we should hone our skills to make OUR flying safer. In the time wasted reaching for a rocket handle we could be choosing a more appropriate landing spot. Leave that to the Thunderbirds:wasnt me:
  6. Mike, That video is a horrible sight I would hate to find myself in a situation like that, On the bright side there is people who can pull of amazing landings!!! Check this guy out YouTube - Gliding Rope Break
  7. A few more pics:thumb_up:
  8. Ah the memories, I actually built one of those about three years ago when I was severly involved with RC planes. The plans are available from a UK company and all I can say is OVERPOWER it and hope for the best. It was the hardest thing i ever flew, there is also a flying wheelbarrow getting around
  9. Fair comment but I think putting an 8cyl in a Jabiru is just a bit past the recreational/small aircraft idea:off topic:
  10. Whats the difference between GA and RA-AUS it is affecting everybody
  11. I'm in love:blush: what a beautifull old girl:thumb_up:
  12. Common Guys, Does it really matter what Blackhawk calls it, trumps to him for having a go:thumb_up: There has been more posts on this thread regarding correctness of a name than there has of encouragement. He asked a question in the first thread asking would people use them so a business plan get get sorted, not did he call it the correct thing. Just to be correct here is the definition of rotary ro⋅ta⋅ry  adjective, noun, plural -ries. –adjective 1.turning or capable of turning around on an axis, as a wheel.2.taking place around an axis, as motion.3.having a part or parts that turn on an axis, as a machine. So according to example three it can be called a rotary. Go for it Blackhawk and I wish you all the best:thumb_up:
  13. :thumb_up::thumb_up:REDOUT:loopy:
  14. I just added two videos one of Wayne and one of a RC Turboprop model of his plane Turbine and all
  15. --- LINK
  16. --- LINK
  17. Tell me about it!!!! The movie on them is unreal:thumb_up:
  18. Each to their own, I'm sure theres plenty of similiar flying done everyday, wrong or not trumps to his flying
  19. I dunno about that Brett, I reckon it would be good to sit on the bank with a few rums and watch the splash:thumb_up:
  20. Nah, I will stick to water he replied, I can't be to much of a Googlesworth, Slartihalfmast is going to teach me how to navigate by counting the......
  21. Ando, I don't think that it's short sighted, it's a fair concern. I am not saying all old VH aircraft a buckets of bolts but it is only fair to say that some old cessna(or the like) that has long seen it's day will be bought, registered RA-AUS and without the knowledge the owner maintainer will come unstuck. Basscheffers makes a great point, heavier planes with heavier engines whats the advantage????. I am all for the increase it will bring a whole lot of different types into our register but common sense will have to prevail. If somthing is cheap, it's usually for a reason
  22. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: Good on ya Ian Well Done, I hope theres more years to come:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  23. A great video with the ATC in there aswell --- LINK
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