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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Ouch --- LINK
  2. A different Way English LINK
  3. It's Ok DJ not pun intended to your post or anyone elses they are all valuable, just flying the trike flag:thumb_up::thumb_up:
  4. Nah he's not missing, he is out flying while everyone else is trying to work out how to recover from their spins:loopy:
  5. Common MM wheres your sense of adventure???, Flying a trike is like owning a Ferari some people are lucky enough to own one but EVERYBODY wants one:laugh: Just remember on the sixth day God created 3 axis airplanes, on the seventh day he realised that refinement was needed and he designed trikes.:thumb_up:
  6. A russian pilot flying low and crazy --- LINK
  7. Check out the footage of flying through the clifs --- LINK
  8. Common MM:laugh: BRS might come in handy in that situation or even better don't go there:thumb_up:
  9. Thats why all you guys should sell your 3 axis planes and all buy trikes:wasnt me: Spins are nearly impossible:laugh:
  10. ?????and this is??????
  11. . I have to admit MM i'm with Pelorus here. I am far from an instructor and far from a high hours pilot but why on earth would you speed up your decent??????? The more time you have to think about things the better.
  12. Too True:thumb_up: But I always tell my Dad to be nice as I will be the one who chooses his nursing home:laugh:
  13. Bugger the retirees I would be happy to fly one of these around myself, put a fold down motorbike in the back Happy Days
  14. Welcome:wave: It's good to see a few more trikers on here.
  15. Dam you Brett:hittinghead: I just found this and have been playing for the last hour!!!!!! I need sleep:loopy:
  16. 107676th:loopy: I don't get this game 20 mins ago I was 2012th.
  17. Danish Wind Turbine break failure --- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=99&t=21951
  18. Deskpilot, Thanks alot for adding this clip. I found it on youtube and have added it in there for you.
  19. As added in the video clips forum by deskpilot, RNLAF f-16 Demo in cockpit footage English LINK
  20. Gees, These guys have smoother landings in water than I have on a grass strip:loopy:
  21. BLA82

    Living will

    Trust me Tom, theres no love there thats WOMEN!!!
  22. Thats a dam classic:laugh::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  23. Just for info This is a link to the West System which is probably the best Resin sytem that gets used in composite boat building (I know not aircraft). It is a comparison chart and shows the different properties. Take a look at the differences between types as this shows what everyone has been saying that there is no standard answers for composites. And as Pelorus and others have said, Stick to the manual WEST SYSTEM | Epoxy Resins and Hardeners - Physical Properties
  24. I'm confused:loopy: As Tomo said 25 nautical miles is 46km so if you live 40km away why can't you land there???
  25. To true Tomo, I know on the last boat I built I had to send two test panels of a hull and deck sample to the certifier. One painted and the other not. I was terribly surprised at the difference. With light concentrated on it the unpainted had a surface temp of 7deg higher than OAT but the painted came back at 18deg above OAT. In fact the certifier made us change the paint colour and brand otherwse the resin manufacturer (WEST EPOXY SYSTEM) would void their material data, therefore voiding the certification of the boat.
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