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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Oh can't I Tomo, my manual doesn't say I can't:laugh: PS Just kidden
  2. Excellent point Brett:thumb_up:
  3. Thats it guys, I'm takin my bat and ball and I am goin home:loopy:
  4. Spot on Pelorus32:thumb_up: Steve it's your choice to fly when you feel safe and I hope it always works out but don't tell others not to worry about it as it can have and I say CAN not always have a bad result.
  5. Thanks John, Dig Dig:laugh:
  6. Settle down Boys, Steve everyone on this thread has said valid points, the are not ignorant or ill informed. Just remember that the stress test were done with new airframes and not ones with 100 or so hours on them. That is probably why Jab has put a 40deg limit that they will guarantee. I have a large knowledge of composites not in aircraft but I can tell you than any composite does loose a hell of alot of its strenth at temps above 45deg so that 40 is probably a safety margin. It doesn't fall apart but looses it's hardness and in an aircraft that can cause all sorts of twisting, bowing etc. Manuals arn't the only info out there.
  7. To Right, Suzuki Australia will void all warranties if ethanol fuel is used. That said Motorbikes should always run on premium so I hope they leave it alone like the said.:hittinghead:
  8. Here Here:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  9. No:sad: I ran into an issue when setting up the programing of the elevons. Hopefully by the end of the week. I will post some pics soon and a video of it flying
  10. Excellent suggestion, if they don't have one they SHOULD!!!
  11. I agree, It was a good report and I think that it is good to see a situation pulled apart and all parties changing their procedure. to the Dash 8 operators for changing their policies to assist with safety.
  12. Do they come in an insulated version to keep the rum and coke cold?
  13. By the time you by a Jab motor, re-design the trike and mount the cooling fan you might aswell go buy a 912 and be done with it. Also it still will be certified!!
  14. Yak Sidelined ATM The Yak is sidelined. I have a new project ATM lol. I was bought a great planes mini delta for my birthday. They are a foamie pusher prop jet that is only about 40cm long. It comes standard with a little 180 size motor and apparently with a decent NiMh battery flies at a decent pace BUT me being me the 180 has been swaped for a E Flite 4100 inrunner brushless, 20 amp E Flite speed controller and a 900mah 10c 7.4v Lipo. There is a dude on youtube who has done exactly the same and it's doing around 100km/h. Should fly this week end. Here is the link YouTube - Mini Delta
  15. That is a classic:laugh: It is all too true on the over political correctness path this world is going!!!
  16. Couldn't be any worse than landing a Jab:wasnt me:
  17. The one thing I can't understand and I don't fly in a Jab so it is purely opinion why on earth don't the manufacturers fit toe brakes on LSA's. To me the idea of having a hand/parking brake in the centre of the dash just seems dumb. I know of go karts with better breaking systems. I know it might add cost but hey surely following the design of other aircraft that have worked for years can't be a bad thing. I have to admit MM comment about maybe solo was to soon was a bit left based considering nearly every thread on Jabs and nearly all accident reports seem to be a loss of directional control on landing-seems a trend to me. If owners can get their plane with an issue and then rectify it how about Mr Jabiru have a think about putting just that little bit of extra work and iron out re-accuring issues on future models.
  18. Nice looking engine but still air cooledthumb_down
  19. Hi Tim, The RA AUS website should have a list of schools if you have no luck. The link is Flight Schools. Ben
  20. Thats easy Deskpilot-STOP EATING:laugh: Happy Birthday
  21. Cheers Tony, Sounds great, I can't wait to see the pics
  22. Sounds like he is just a rat
  23. Just to add to Rom's post re the twister range. I own a blade cx which is eflite's take on the twister models. They are slightly more expensive but FAR superior. The come with spectrum radio gear and eflite just finishes their models off alot better.
  24. I have two Favs First is the Trojan, it is just so dam tough, big prop big nose and big noise. Second is the DC3, there is just something about these planes that stands out. Also it was the first plane my Dad had his Command on.
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