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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Help with Electrics Hi all, In my electric collection I have a Thundertiger BiPlane shock flyer, a foamie seaplane and a Built up Yak 54. It has a wingspan of approx 700mm, it is extremely light. I havent flown any of these as I have stuck to my nitro stuff. The thunder tiger is finished all but battery, it has a park 380 in runner brushless with a gearbox and a 25amp speed controler QUESTION 1=what battery size should I use considering its's a 3d profile so size is critical. Second The seaplane is complete all bar the servos it runs a outrunner brushless QUESTION 2=What battery size should I use, Size isn't so important with this but I would like to get a bit of duration with this one. Finally my Yak is still in the box. What size outrunner,battery and Speedcontroller should I use. I would like this one set up with enough grunt to hang of the prop etc like my gas planes. Sorry for all the questions but I am useless when it comes to Electrics.
  2. Sorry guys but wouldn't it be a good idea to let the instructor instruct, I know we all are here to learn but since when do we get our pilot certificte of the net??? Just a thought,
  3. Learning to fly weightshift at Prosky with John, When you are up at YCAB next with your chute you will have to let me know, would love to have a look at one up close.
  4. So if a trike has a new rotax 912 four stroke, dual ignition, transponder and approved altimeter will it be ok?
  5. Hi all, I was just readinf my copy of the RA mag and I noticed an article regarding RA-AUS aircraft being allowed to fly through controlled airspace. It mentioned an endorsement, approved altimeter and a mode C transponder but I was wondering what type of aircraft will be allowed. Will it only be certified 3 axis aircraft or will trikes be allowed into their aswell. Does anyone know anymore????
  6. Howdy, I am learning to fly weightshift trikes at Caboolture at the moment. I to was right into RC flying up untill recently when I worked out one of my patternships was worth the same as a basic used trike at it no longer made sense lol. Welcome you will enjoy this forum and love flying trikes.
  7. we don't need no water let the ????????????????????????????? you all know the rest of the song lol:laugh:
  8. BLA82

    xair race

    Thanks for your input T83 but we already have this video in our Video Clibs Libary. Please feel free to check it out as there are alot of good vids in there. PS It is an awesome video though
  9. Cralis, From my experience it is a great idea to bring these kind of things up with your instructor first. I know from when I have asked questions everybody has their opinions (all valid) and you end up trying to decipher what you need to know aswell as decipher everyones opinions. It only confuses the hell out of you more an makes a little step a big issue. Everyone here has the best intentions but it doesn 't come close to the one on one instructing an instructor can give you.
  10. Deskpilot, Happy aniversary for today, Im celebrating my first aniversary on Monday so I'm no doubt in for a long road ahead. Nah shes a good girl I got this new bike for her, damm I will miss her lol
  11. There is a video on youtube of a guy that looses his wing on a RC Extra and manages to do just that and land safely. I know its not a real plane but he still has skill
  12. Ozzie, On my way back from Phillip Island this month I saw the same roadworks and couldn't agree more. Those pickets show up so well and surely they could be affective as you have suggested.
  13. Brent I hope we don't win the same lotto because we would be racing to the same place trying to buy the same plane
  14. RIP Mate :thumb_up:
  15. Hi all, I am still new to weightshift and have currently been eyeing off the Airborne Outback and Redback types? I know it will be a step down in performance from what I have been learning in being a 912 but I think this will be my first type I buy to gain hours in. I was wondering does anyone in here in South East QLD own one of these types as I have still not seen one in the flesh and would like to do so. Please Help
  16. Common guys there is sure to be a few of you chute dudes out there, I have seen one at Caboolture. Well I will start a thread as I am curious about them and I'm sure others are interested. I have obviously seen the aerochute add in the RA magazine and I looked on the web today and found a website in the US with a Lowboy. It looks like a buggy attatchment for a paraglider. Looks like alot of fun. What others are out there and who is flying them?
  17. You are a EXTRA. You are a bit crazy. You enjoy taking risks. More so than most, and you find that the risks you take pay off with the excitement you got from the adventure. You are a top-grade, bad *ss. My kind of person!! Look out perth here I come Red Bull woo hoo, the scary thing is my wife took the test for a laugh and come back as a 737. The two just don't look right in a hanger together lol:laugh:
  18. Tomo, forget the persuasion gaffa tape and zip ties and a backseat ride will cure all, spare a thought for me, I am learning weightshift in an airborne trike and my Dad flies 747's for Qantas, lets just say he is very sceptical lol
  19. Just doing my bit for RA-AUS bottom line lol:laugh:
  20. Ok guys now I am dreaming, Just googled the s1 pitts http://www.pfa.org.uk/S%20Mac%20Website/Specification%20Sheets%202007/pittsS1.pdf 1150lbs so under the 760kgs, 155 mph cruise so around 250km/h. 2000fpm climb and after googling the issue a bit more they can be modified to stall at 51mph=44kts. So after all those facts I now well and truly have my head in the clouds dreaming and as Brentc stated lets not rule out aeros just yet. :faint:back to reality
  21. Tell me about it, I still havent recieved mine so I bit the bullit and bought it at the newsagent today. Has anyone else still not recieved theirs?
  22. Does anyone know of causes etc
  23. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has heard in info on the Redback that crashed in WA. I saw a short clip on the news the other night but no more. Any info.
  24. Too True LOL But being married to a blonde isn't that bad apparently;)
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