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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. Fuel Burn: 155-165 U.S. gallons/hour apparently. I understand it would t be cheap but $2600 for 20mins?? That's nearly 8k per hour. The poor pilot probably makes $200. Maybe $1000 in fuel tops so I think these guys are making money. I see elsewhere though it's half that price to have a go.
  2. I just googled the L39 and it looks like it definitely. I have to say though they advertise joyflights 20mins for $2600. You would have to be mad
  3. Hi all. I was wondering if any Archerfield locals could tell me what the white (ex military looking) jet is that landed at Archerfield today was.
  4. Is this the clasified section??
  5. I think the post has deteriorated into a personal opionions forum and has lost the original meaning. If the discussion is to continue lets move it to the weightshift page and discuss it there and leave this one to just the facts and the memory of two special people who are sadly missed.
  6. I think a big shout out to Ric the guy who did the video and the young girl who wrote the song is definitely needed. I true tribute to a dam nice guy.
  7. No its usually a sudden bang only lasts a few seconds then hours of apologising lol
  8. That will buff out
  9. Definitely it should be a choice
  10. Alf apparently they are nearly 10k now
  11. Thanks Alf I think I'm sold.
  12. Does anyone know how low they can be deployed?
  13. Hi all. I was wondering what everyones thoughts are on Ballistic recovery chutes fitted to trikes. There are plenty of reports where they have been deployed in 3 axis planes but I cant find any info on trikes. Are they are worthy investment and at what hight do they become unusable.
  14. Frog please keep all your trike bashing to yourself. Regardless of the cause or the fact you could only trust John there is a lot of people who are missing John and also amongst them a lot of current trike flyers. They need support and reassurance at a time like this not negative unfounded comments.
  15. Frog that was my first thought but after sitting on it for a while I now want to finish my weight shift license more than ever. Firstly as a sense of accomplishment and secondly because I believe if John heard the thoughts I was having towards trikes after his accident he would have given me a quick slap behind the ears. Unfortunately every thing we do is dangerous ( I ride motorbikes aswell) but when it comes down to it when your numbers up its up. Look at Michael Schumacher, he dodges death for a living for years and then knocks his head on a rock.
  16. As I sit here and read it was John I feel sick. He was one of the nicest guys I ever met and we shared multiple stories about flying and motorcycles. I cant begin to fathom how this has happened or why such a lovely human being has been taken. Fly high my friend and I wish you nothing but clear skies. RIP John
  17. Just ground the POS's. Everytime it's the same thing
  18. And unfortunately will most likely never be found
  19. Just throw another 50 on the plate mate and all your problems will go away. Intolerant YES. Why do we need to hear your crap on a forum. If i want to be saved I will go to church. Outside of that keep it to yourself
  20. No this forum is about rec flying not rec happy clapping. Time and place and this isnt it. I am a firm believer that Dutchs skill and knowledge saved his arse not some imaginary carpenter.
  21. I think I just vomited in my mouth
  22. Big call mate, I will dig up the documents that were sent to me from the Australian Distributer of Festo admitting that they used non sealed bearings had faulty trigger mechanisms on my so called "quality" tools that I returned to them for a refund, which I received. Not that I would buy them only but it's funny how I have a Old $30 Bunnings grinder that was used on fibreglass for over 6 years and still works.
  23. Firstly AEG has the best trade warranty in the country so if its crap im happy to have bought crap. AEG isnt a poor quality version of anything. I built boats for over ten years using tools in the worst environment without ever really servicing them. I spent thousands on festo originally and it was the worst money ever spent. On your forums you mention yes it does happen in the us as their consumer laws allow it. That is why people get caught and fined selling it in australia. Just because someome is a L2/Mechanic doesnt mean the know anymore or less then others. In this case he obviously doesn't. Scare mongering such as this quite amusing. On the topic though I agree that AN bolts shouldn't be subsidized for anything.
  24. I'd actually like to point out that you couldn't be further from the truth. I think your so called "serious tool shop" guy is just trying to justify selling his identical tools at a higher margin to cover his so called expert knowledge. Apart from the budget brands (that for a home DIY guy work quite well) The Name brand tools are identical. Identical in every way. The difference in serial numbers is based on the country of purchase and I know for a fact there was a tool supplier in QLD who was fined for selling so called better tools at a large price but they were grey imports. The main brands, Deawalt, Makita, Bosch in Bunnings are the same as anywhere else
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