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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. They are great to work for that company
  2. More like bikes have no hope around cars with dipsh:censored: drivers
  3. Judging by the final report from the ATSB on the crash of VH-EGT the rules might soon change. "In response to the identified safety issue, the ATSB has issued a safety recommendation to CASA to take action to require builders of amateur-built experimental aircraft to produce a flight manual, or equivalent, for their aircraft following flight testing. "
  4. Skins are great i was thinking a old 447
  5. So worth $350
  6. hi all, I have came across this old girl and am thinking about purchasing it. Can anyone help me identify what it actually is
  7. That article was so insensitive it makes me ill. To mention a pilots arms reaching out of the flames is just unnecessary. It makes me ill just thinking about it. A simple quote " nothing could be done to help the pilot" would suffice
  8. I only have one question about that video WHY? Why would you continue flying in those conditions? I'm sure and please correct me if I'm wrong but those conditions surely would be close if not behind the recommended maximum crosswind for those aircraft. The only thing more stupid was the commentary from that X jet muppet but you can't expect much from him:blah blah:
  9. Unfortunately it is known. http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/gold-coast/qantas-pilot-believed-to-have-deliberately-crashed-plane-into-sea-off-byron-bay/news-story/b65240fdfec85363b6e2c7ad6d34b7b0
  10. Sorry Rankamateur I have to disagree. I personally know of a few commercial pilots who have suffered depression and with the correct treatment they have continued to fly. Maybe with a temporary stop but have got back there. I will put it out there in the open myself personally have suffered from anxiety and depression for 12 years and up until Christmas last year was dealing with it perfectly. Then for reasons unknown the black dog came up and bit me on the ass. Now if I was a commercial pilot I probably wasn't in a condition to fly but I knew that. I'm not a commercial pilot but I do partake in certain pastimes where I could have been a danger. Racing, motorcycle riding etc. Ultralights hit the nail on the head the Stigma with mental illness is just so wrong and many people suffer in silence. My only suggestion to anyone who is suffering from this is to talk. Talk to anyone, anyone at all. The difference in your mind you feel when you can unload some of your troubles on someone else is unbelievable. Sorry about the rant it's just a subject I feel strongly about.
  11. Sadly I believe it was a Qantas Pilot
  12. I reckon that the fuel leaking was caused by the sudden stop and had it been leaking that much before the accident it wouldn't have left the ground. So no I didn't answer my own question but thanks 01rnb you did, thanks for explaining it.
  13. Just as a matter of interest if #4 was a result of fuel starvation why at the site of the forced landing at Runcorn there was enough fuel leaking you could have started a fire the size of heroshima.
  14. [quote="Bruce Tuncks, post: 550297, member: 731" And Bex, I appreciate your argument about things need to be foolproof on account of there being so many fools, but I don't want to pay more for this feature, or carry extra weight. Bruce welcome to the current age, everything these days is made as fool proof as possible. And as far as saying VW engines have a bad record, when did mr VW say way back when that his engines were suitable for aviation use, people who use and modify them do so at there own risk. Jabiru make a claim that there engines are fit for a purpose and sell them as that but what is slowly coming out is that they arnt Or at least not as safe as they claim. The numbers are there 130+ reported failures vs the low rate of others and yet they still want the ATSB to change their report.
  15. If only Jabiru put as much effort in fixing their product as they did in trying to cover their backsides in that letter they might be better off.
  16. Jasper if you class signature lines with that much importance maybe look into the history of my signature and then form the opinion.
  17. Anyone who now states that it is a witch hunt against Jabiru needs to pull there head out of the sand (or their ). This report is damming in every way and to be honest I would feel safer strapping a old Yamaha tz750 to the front than I would flying behind a Jab engine. It is just pure luck and good pilot actions that these engines haven't caused a fatality. Let's hope they are continually monitored to ensure the fix their shortfalls. The argument of them making aviation affordable doesn't sit well with me. Yes they make great airframes, maybe they should just stick with that.
  18. As Billy Connerly said "I would trade the 72 Virgins for two fire breathing whores"
  19. What could be a cause of what happened. I.e large amount of black smoke then stop. Then on restart running really rough. Would that be a mixture issue being to rich?
  20. hi guys, Just wondering if anyone who frequents Archerfield knows of a engine failure yesterday. I only live about 4Ks as the crow flies from the airfield and yesterday about 10am saw a 172 fly over. Just as it went overhead it splutterd through out a big pile of black smoke then stopped. I heard it start again shortly afterwards but was running like crap. I did notice it make a beeline for the field. Just interested to know.
  21. All good Robbo, I think we can all fall into that trap.
  22. Don't forget a seasoned accident investigator, Radar operator and now apparently a coast guard correspondent:oh yeah:
  23. Robbo so after all the speculation it wasn't the aircraft you thought. It might be worth keeping speculations quiet until the details are known who knows the worry you could cause people who knew that aircraft.
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