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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. That is a scary recording
  2. Of course it wouldn't because the Jab wouldn't make it back to the field:stirrer:
  3. Amsol, I have never seen anyone a ignorant and blatantly disrespectful as you. Your comments either mean three things. 1. You work for CASA. 2. You have a real dull life 3. You play a flight Sim to much. I'm finding that ignore button to.
  4. I haven't been online for a few days and just came across this thread. To say I feels sick is a understatement. I never met Maj personally but he was always willing to share his knowledge. What a tragic day in our small community. RIP MATE.
  5. Consumable?? Fuel is a consumable, oil is a consumable. I think the engine is slightly more important then that and the day it becomes a consumable you own the wrong engine. And in regards to not being in his shoes fair call but can you tell me one situation that would justify flying over numerous airfields for a few hours with a warning light on besides being a total twat.
  6. Maybe the should fit them all with ballistic chutes so they can do formation jumps with all the cirrus out there..
  7. That's just plain stupid.
  8. I agree with Ozzie, a waste of a great aircraft and a example of why insurance policies keep increasing
  9. AMSOL apologise not likely. The way he reports on every issue you would almost think he works for another manufacturer or works for Channel 7
  10. Was that the Yak 9 that was assembled at Archerfield around 16 years ago?
  11. I just read that coroners report into the Spitfire Crash in Gympie. Gees it doesn't paint a very nice picture of Mr O'Sullivan. Some of the false claims made on speed/weight and stall speeds is dam right scary
  12. Gees mate don't let them read the local news paper or watch the news. You will be rapped in bubble wrap, laying on the floor away from any buildings and 3000ft above sea level in no time. What will be will be people, plenty of people play life to safe and either die of old age with regrets or be taken out crossing the road.
  13. A example of my comment above is a "Probability to do further damage" if a driver is evolved in a high speed accident he can be fine now, but have another straight away without the body having time to repair itself and who knows what could happen. I'm sure flying a RA Aircraft the body is not going to be subjected to anything close to the forces of a racing accident and If it does your health is probably the least of your concerns.
  14. That's a big call Amsol especially without 100% of the facts. There is a number of reasons why he could be deemed unfit to race ( I know I have been there after a bad crash) none of which had any effect on my capabilities to drive to work everyday, fly or anything else. Some of the rules in which CAMS rule on fitness due to injury have nothing to do with other activities
  15. A tragic loss to aviation as well as the motor sport community
  16. Asmol Time to call the HGFA and RAA to sort this out, Seriously ? The only people on here that are looking stupid are the ones who THINK they know and won't be deterred. If you read the posts the same answers have been given time and time again by people who are actually respected and well known Weightshift Pilots, not people who have a higher belief in their knowledge and have ego's the size of this thread. I know who I believe and more than likely if the RAA or HGFA ops actually sought these guys opinions and advice the manuals might reflect real life that bit more.
  17. Just stop reporting mate, obviously no one agrees so there is no need to keep going. You can have your opinions and when you choose to add weight shift to the large list of aircraft you are reporting you fly under your avatar you might have a bit of credibility.
  18. Turbo you are a pest, sorry someone had to say it:nod: People in glasses houses shouldn't throw stones mate. Maybe you should stick to commenting on things you actually know about not think you know.
  19. Turbo, That hole is getting deeper "just sayin"
  20. Kununurra the rate of sphincter clinching is also similar during a near miss
  21. firstly my condolences to the pilots family. Secondly we are all consenting adults, gees some of the past times I have been involved in one mistake and it's all over but it was me that made the decision. If we make the decision to participate in a sport we accept the risks. To make comments like we should give the trikes back to HGFA and that would make our statistics look better what a crock. How many flight happen everyday worldwide in trikes vs accidents. Unfortunately we only here the bad news not the hundreds of thousands hours of enjoyable flying that happens every year with no issues. It's like the whole Jabiru debate if you don't like them don't fly them but don't bash trikes. Unfortunately even the most experienced people in the world make mistakes, or have a issue. (I'm not implying anything in this case)
  22. Rip and I hope the little girl has s speedy recovery
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