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Everything posted by BLA82

  1. If you want a thick slab you could always use a "waffle pod" they are used in concrete slabs so most building supplies shops stock them or can get them quickly the are 80 and 100mm thick and can be bought in 1m, 2m 3m lengths by approx 1m wide and are styrofoam
  2. Sound except when hanging by...l.
  3. Cheers for that:im stupid:
  4. Hey excuse my lack of knowledge but how do you quote another persons post
  5. Eightyknots did you have a knife to your throat when you typed that lol
  6. Thanks eightyknots great read. Metalman I realise there are huge advantages to a 912 but I have two issues. The difference in price means the difference between flying sooner or waiting a lot longer to purchase and secondly it might be a sick fetish:sorry: but I love 2 strokes.
  7. Great looking plane but their website say 912 upwards
  8. I buy all mine for my racecar from the states. Www.rtschassis.com. Parr motorsports on eBay is another seller in Aus
  9. Thanks guys I love the look of the Nynja but there is nearly $13k difference on the kit price from what I can see on their website.
  10. Semi enclosed, ideally removable wings, I would prefer something that could run a 582 as I'm not to keen on the cost of the 912 and as it will be used only for local flights I am not sure I need anything to fast. Also the father in law will be low hours so something forgiving would be good
  11. Lol that definitely helps
  12. Good on you Tomo, soon you will need to fit the baby seat lol. My wife and I had our first four months ago and it is amazing how little sleep you can actually live on lol
  13. Hi all, It has been a while since I was last on here and am after some advice. My father in law is due to retire soon and I am getting a bit tired of crashing race cars So we have decided to re visit the purchase of a kit build 2 seat aircraft. A few years ago I was seriously looking at an Xair and to be honest I still like them but I was wondering what else is available. The build process of the Xair impressed me and I think the cost is reasonable. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  14. More like the spotter is looking for a new job
  15. Just saw the 10 news that a light plane has crashed in bush land near the Logan Motorway, it looks like the pilot has walked away which is good to hear.
  16. Awesome video, Those cubs look good from all angles:thumb_up:
  17. Carribou
  18. Watch at 56sec, is that a loop? English Watch Now!
  19. Great Video well done
  20. Jason Newburg flies the Extra 300S. For more info, visit www.inverted.us Produced by Keith Breazeal www.kbvp.com --- Watch Now!
  21. --- Watch Now!
  22. --- Watch Now!
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